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Anaheim angels


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I was checking out MLB.com and came across some news on the Anaheim Angels.  Along with modernizing their scoreboards the Angels are going to go with a slight change on their road uniforms.  They team has decided to display Angels instead of Anaheim across their road uniforms.  The're reasoning for this involves the fact that they are trying to sell the Angels as a team and not the city of Anaheim.  I am not in favor of the team name being on the road uniforms.  I think it is more traditional to have the name of the city on the road uniforms.  It's just as bad as the Blue Jays wearing their blue 3rd uniforms at home with Tortonto across their chest.  What do you guys think?
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I think this whole tradition of city name on the road jersey is crap personally. I mean I don't get why it matters so much. That said, I think the Angels should stay with the Anaheim on the road. Just when the Ducks and the Angels start doing good, and the Ducks put Anahiem on their alts, the Angels try to tone it down and go back to a California image...why?
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Well, I live just outside Milwaukee. And our latest roads do not have "Milwaukee" on them. I guess the argument is similar in trying to sell the team to the rest of the state. My answer to that is, If the rest of the state dont want a jersey with Milwaukee, they can 1-buy the home uni, 2 wait until they start winning like they usually do, 3 fork over there share of the 400,000,000 stadium. I think a "Milwaukee" jersey would be popular, not to mention there is no difference between the two jerseys as of this season.

Teams are starting to act as if they can actually sell there stuff in high numbers nationally, by removing the city they represent. For starters, the people who don't want another city on their jersey, probably wouldn't buy the jersey with the nickname either.For that matter, the Yankees jerseys could be pink, and they would only sell because the team wins, and people(especially those who ride the bandwagon)like to associate themselves with winning. Maybe throw a bone for the fans who support a team through a decade of losing, and not worry about being the latest fasion trend on the east coast.

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I dont like this at all I say all road uniforms shoudl have the city name even the Cardinals I saw a script the Cards came out with a few years ago with the blaencing bat that said St. Louis it looked awesome too bad its not on a uniform.



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Well, I live just outside Milwaukee. And our latest roads do not have "Milwaukee" on them. I guess the argument is similar in trying to sell the team to the rest of the state. My answer to that is, If the rest of the state dont want a jersey with Milwaukee, they can 1-buy the home uni, 2 wait until they start winning like they usually do, 3 fork over there share of the 400,000,000 stadium. I think a "Milwaukee" jersey would be popular, not to mention there is no difference between the two jerseys as of this season.

Teams are starting to act as if they can actually sell there stuff in high numbers nationally, by removing the city they represent. For starters, the people who don't want another city on their jersey, probably wouldn't buy the jersey with the nickname either.For that matter, the Yankees jerseys could be pink, and they would only sell because the team wins, and people(especially those who ride the bandwagon)like to associate themselves with winning. Maybe throw a bone for the fans who support a team through a decade of losing, and not worry about being the latest fasion trend on the east coast.

there's only one difference between teh brewers' homes and roads: home sleeve is the M-Wisconsin map logo, road sleeve has the 'Milwaukee' version of the primary logo.

and i think they DO sell Yankees stuff in pink...strangely, they're now selling throwback-style sixers stuff in pink and gray at the local finish line ???


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