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Designing the Oilers thirds jersey


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Here's a clip from youtube with Todd McFarlane talking about how he designed the Oilers thrid jerse. Personally I'm not a fan of the Oilers 3rd, I don't like it because it's not in the Oilers colors nor do I like the logo. Still it is an interesting watch.

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Kind of neat to hear about the creative process he went through. Thanks for the link. Actually makes me kind of like those jersies a bit more. I definitely like that he saw how horrible the weird angled stripes and all that had become.


"You could put an empty orange helmet on the 50-yard line at Cleveland Browns Stadium and 50,000 fans would show up to stare at it."

-Terry Pluto

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I don't like how he admits that he chose the colours based on the Dallas Cowboys' and Oakland Raiders' schemes. Yuck.

yah, it makes the Oilers 3rd seem bush league cause there bassed on NFL teasm that have no affliation with the Oilers, the city of Edmonton, the province of Alberta or the Dominion of Canada for that matter.

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I don't like how he admits that he chose the colours based on the Dallas Cowboys' and Oakland Raiders' schemes.  Yuck.

yah, it makes the Oilers 3rd seem bush league cause there bassed on NFL teasm that have no affliation with the Oilers, the city of Edmonton, the province of Alberta or the Dominion of Canada for that matter.

See, now I didn't get that from what he was saying. From what I could tell, he was saying that those colors were popular, and coinsidentally (except perhaps for the gray) were ALREADY colors used by the Oilers. So it sounded like he was saying "the cowboys are popular in these colors, and the Oilers have them, so let's use them in a way that is more popular... much like the Cowboys."

That's what I thought he was saying, anyway.

Also, not to nit-pick (ok, so I love to nit-pick), but hasn't Canada NOT been a "Dominion" for about 50 years at least?

EDIT: Or at least since the Canada Act of 1982.

EDIT AGAIN: I guess it was never officially given or abolished, so if you want to call it a "Dominion" go right ahead. Sounds a little monarchist for my tastes, but what do I know... I'm a good 4 or 5 months from becoming a Canadian anyway.


"You could put an empty orange helmet on the 50-yard line at Cleveland Browns Stadium and 50,000 fans would show up to stare at it."

-Terry Pluto

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Canada is still a Dominion.

Todd McFarlane can be an incredible comic artist, but not such a great writer.

As a logo designer--well so-so.

Although I hear people really like his sports & pop culture figures.

But how much of the work does he do on those?

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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