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Base Ball Is Back


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Old hat there. BallWonk is on a team, and ESPN Classic shows games from time to time. I for one want a McGill Rules hockey team.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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"The game the way it was meant to be played... ...No arguing with the umpire. No stepping out of the batter's box. No charging the pitcher..."

Nonsense. Those things have been part of the game for a long time.


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As someone mentioned in another thread, they play a 19th century season at the Genessee Country Village here in upstate NY. I haven't been there to check it out yet, but I'm going to try to convince my wife to go with me next summer.


"You could put an empty orange helmet on the 50-yard line at Cleveland Browns Stadium and 50,000 fans would show up to stare at it."

-Terry Pluto

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Well, maybe this time they'll get it right and allow the Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos the opportunity to play.

All of baseball's "traditions" are not exactly something to be glorified and upheld. This is a game that has embraced cheating in a glutinous multitude of forms, on-field dishonesty, ungentlemanly play, racism, arguing with game officials, fighting, etc.

Look, if guys want to get together and play ball by it's old rules, I say great. I watched the game on ESPN (and was pissed when "Spaceman" Lee turned it into a farce) and loved it. However, spare me the Larry Brown waxing poetic about this being "the way the game is supposed to be played.? If everything about the game was perfect back then, nothing would have ever changed. Change is usually for the better.

Guys like Bouton are just pissed because he was born too damn early and missed out on the multimillion-dollar paydays players get now (how he has the nerve to complain about players and a game run amok when he's a member of congress, I have no clue--I call hypocrite)! I laugh when players of yesteryear complain about today's game. No the game isn't perfect today, it has many problems, but your game was less than perfect as well. It's just that the 24-hour media exposure glorifies, demonizes, and realizes the game. Because after all, it's a game, not a romanticized era of exclusion, gambling, violence, generally bad behavior, and heavy, but awesome looking uniforms.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Well, maybe this time they'll get it right and allow the Blacks and Hispanics/Latinos the opportunity to play.

All of baseball's "traditions" are not exactly something to be glorified and upheld.  This is a game that has embraced cheating in a glutinous multitude of forms, on-field dishonesty, ungentlemanly play, racism, arguing with game officials, fighting, etc.

Look, if guys want to get together and play ball by it's old rules, I say great.  I watched the game on ESPN (and was pissed when "Spaceman" Lee turned it into a farce) and loved it.  However, spare me the Larry Brown waxing poetic about this being "the way the game is supposed to be played.?  If everything about the game was perfect back then, nothing would have ever changed.  Change is usually for the better. 

Guys like Bouton are just pissed because he was born too damn early and missed out on the multimillion-dollar paydays players get now (how he has the nerve to complain about players and a game run amok when he's a member of congress, I have no clue--I call hypocrite)!  I laugh when players of yesteryear complain about today's game.  No the game isn't perfect today, it has many problems, but your game was less than perfect as well.  It's just that the 24-hour media exposure glorifies, demonizes, and realizes the game.  Because after all, it's a game, not a romanticized era of exclusion, gambling, violence, generally bad behavior, and heavy, but awesome looking uniforms.

See, I think that's missing the point entirely. It's not the 100% historical accuracy that people are after. It's the romantic notion of what baseball (base ball) was. In much the same way as it must have been HELL to be, say, a knight in the middle ages... but now we have a romantic notion about what it was like, and THAT is what is played out at reenactments and renaissance festivals all over the country... even the world. And it's the same way with baseball. People don't wax nostalgic about no batting helmets, discrimination, gambling and teams "owning" players. They wax nostalgic about the things that were GOOD about the game that may not be quite as good anymore.

Your assertion that things "usually" change for the better isn't entirely accurate. Some things change for the better, and some things change for the worse. Can you fault people who sometimes look at those things that changed for the worst, who look back at before they changed and think "wow, that was pretty cool back then??"

I can't imagine that anyone in their right mind would be looking for this because they wanted to see historically accurate discrimination. They just want to see how the game looked at a time before they were born. Before it became a multimillion dollar industry and was just a GAME.

If you think people are holding a romanticized image of baseball, and you think that's a BAD thing, then you're missing the point entirely.


"You could put an empty orange helmet on the 50-yard line at Cleveland Browns Stadium and 50,000 fans would show up to stare at it."

-Terry Pluto

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Before it became a multimillion dollar industry and was just a GAME.

Its still a game. Its only a multimillon dollar industry because the popularity of it grew, and buisnessmen who could care less about tradition, saw the opportunity to make money, turned it into an industry.

Im all for a vintage leauge. But that doesnt mean they can talk about the MLB today like its some pile of crap. Baseball back then wasnt a trip to Disneyland either. It was even slower than it is now. Do you have any idea how long an at-bat could be with SIX balls, hit batters not being awarded a base, and fouls not counting as strikes? Also, no night games. Looks like you wont be able to see your team play because youre at your job. Not only that, but there was no stealing base and "deceitful" pitches were not allowed. Sorry, no sliders, curveballs, sinkers, palmballs, splitters, slurves, etc...

The players still argued with the umpire, people still cheated. Greedy people have always existed, cheaters have always existed. And just as many played baseball then as they do now.

So what if it has body armor, batting gloves, wristbands, sunglasses nowadays? Its still baseball, its just evolved since it was invented.


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yeah, but that was exactly my point. SOME things change for the better, obviously. And some don't. So there's room for both. That's the only point I was trying to make. Ridiculous Jim Bouton comments aside (and, really, does he make any comments that AREN'T ridiculous?) I don't think the retro leagues are about trying to be BETTER than or REPLACE MLB, I think they're just about showing a different aspect of the game.


"You could put an empty orange helmet on the 50-yard line at Cleveland Browns Stadium and 50,000 fans would show up to stare at it."

-Terry Pluto

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They should have an old-style hockey league.

Oh wait, they still play it. ^_^

...but Modern-day Bandy is quite different, especially in terms of gear. Ever seen the Swedish Bandy Championships? Bandy is a lot closer to being field hockey on ice or even football on ice than ice hockey today.

One of these days I'm going to bundle up and head up to Uppsala and take some of it in myself... :)

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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They should have an old-style hockey league.

Oh wait, they still play it.  ^_^

...but Modern-day Bandy is quite different, especially in terms of gear. Ever seen the Swedish Bandy Championships? Bandy is a lot closer to being field hockey on ice or even football on ice than ice hockey today.

One of these days I'm going to bundle up and head up to Uppsala and take some of it in myself... :)

Yeah, I've seen a few games online. Interesting stuff. Bandy looks like field hockey because field hockey players years ago would play on ice in the winters which is basically how it was invented. Same rules and everything, I believe. (I don't know much about field hockey though)

As for gear, the only real differences are the stick which is alittle shorter with a wider blade I think for controlling the ball. The ball is another difference, but then again, hockey used to be played with a ball sometimes until the puck was standardized to protect spectators. Oh, and goalies wear regular gloves instead of blockers/sticks and catchers.

Although it does resemble field hockey and soccer alot closer, it is an ancestor of hockey. Europeans used to call hockey "Canadian rules bandy". It was most likely brought over by the British which later evolved into modern hockey at McGill.

I'd love to see some Bandy live too. I made it one of my life goals to go watch a game and play some myself too cause it looks really fun. :D Could always go up to Minnesota where the American Bandy teams play. But I'd rather get the full expierience with the European supporters atmosphere.

There's also a "rink bandy" form of the game too. Which is pretty much just bandy on a hockey rink. 5 against 5 + goalies with Bandy equipment (except the nets, they use hockey nets). I think the larger soccer field sized rink would be more fun to play on though.

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