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New Zealand Ice Hockey League


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The New Zeland Ice Hockey League (NZIHL) has just finished it's 2nd season with the Southern Stampede (based out of Queenstown) winning their 2nd strait league title. This is a young league I know, but some of the logos and uniforms are not that great in my opinion. So I thought I would do a re-design. So to start off, here is the league winners, the Southern Stampede.


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I used the now former Buffalo Sabres template for the uniforms and I think they work really well with the Stampede colours and logo. You can see at the top of the image the original uniform and logo. Next is the second place team this year, the South Auckland Swarm.


I used the Nashville template for this team. As you can see, the old uniform was the old "Winnie-The-Pooh" Boston template.

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Finally the team that I thought needed the most work, the Canterbury Red Devils who are based out of Christchurch.


The logo is a modified version of the Lowell Devils logo with the "L" replaced with a "C". The original logo of the team was way too cartoony for a team logo. looks more like a laughing clown then a devil.

An interesting note, this year the winning team, the Southern Stampede, will be playing the 3rd place Australian Ice Hockey League team, which I believe is the West Sydney Ice Dogs next month.

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Here is an expansion team I would like to see at the new Wellington ice rink that is currently being built. I am fittingly calling them the Wellington Capitals because they are the capital of New Zealand. The stars on the logo are the stars of the Southern Cross on the New Zealand flag and the building is the New Zealand Parliment building or better known as the "Beehive". The colours are yellow and black with a hint of dark blue. Those are the colours of the Wellington Provence when it comes to sports.


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Next is the other Aucland team and the 2005 2nd place team, the West Auckland Admirals.


I used the Flyers 3rd as a template and the now retired Millwakee Admirals logo. I also did my own version of their original logo for the shoulder logo.

I prefer their clever Admirals logo to your Milwaukee recolouring.

Actually, I think as far as amateur league hockey goes, this is a really nice league already, apparently :P.



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From what I gathered this league is by no means a professional (is it even semi-pro) league by North-American standards.

The fact that players have to pay, resembles a regular adult's men's league (recreational or rated A-B-C) like we have so many here.

The reason I say that is that it is obvious that as in many other areas in life, if not all, that evil-doer we also like to refer to as MONEY rules everything.

Like many other similar leagues, team will not spend any money on DESIGN, they'll give the uniform maker/distributor carte-blanche and to cut their cost, these businessmen will simply re-use Pros of semi-pros logos or shamelessly adapt it slightly. I would be surprised if any of these teams carried two sets of uniforms.

Now if you wanted to actually make an impact with the League and help them bring up tehir image and maybe be considered more seriously when requesting financing (I think they should go for local businesses first, not straight to the big multi-nationals...) you could try to make a proposal to them for a league re-design.

Obviously it would be hard for anyone to sell them on paying for design, but liek many designers have mentioned here, pro-bono work only devaluates the profession and perpatuate that myth that Design is free. So you may have to look at saving money else where in the production.

In that case, original logos do look more serious and professional.

Whne designing these, you need to be cost conscious, just for fun, you should seek quotes for a full-size crest (embroided on twill for example) for both your Capitals and the Stampede logos and you'll see the huge difference.

Obviously, the stock jerseys will be way cheaper than a custom striping.

While it may have a "cheaper" feel to it, a generic striping like certain practice shirts (Athletic knit) will not look ripped off like a more recognizable pattern like the Sabres Predators, Avalanches, etc.

A good original simple logo can make people forget about the stock of the jersey.

I know you're just having fun with their uniforms, that you may never considered making a proposal, but let me tell you, when you see your design produced for real, it feels good.

For example, when I joined a "beginner program" in the True North Hockey league, they oraganized all the teams and outfitted us with logos inspired from the ECHL


FOr our season, one of the players convinced his employer to give us a sponsorship that we used for the purchased on new uniforms.

I convinced the team to let me re-designe the logo and came up with this shirt:


I know that I sort of went against my advice on the "stock" of the jersey, but we we wanted to use something we'd never seen in any other teams we'd played against.

I'll tell you, every time I wear that shirt, it makes me feel really good.

Anyways, I hijacked your thread... Sorry...

I would say, try your hand at simple original logos for those teams and you'll be surprised how proud you'll be.

Keep up the great work!

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Yeah looking at it now, It sort of is. I can't really think of anything to do for the logo. The beehive is a Wellington landmark and works well for the Capitals name.

Now if it is a landmark, wouldn't you agree that people around the country would recognize it even if it was simply an outline of the shape of it?

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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