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Trenton Titans of ECHL to change name?


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This week the New Jersey Devils purchased the Trenton Titans of the ECHL. It looks like the team will remain the Titans for this season but will probably be renamed the Trenton Devils for the next season. This from a Trenton Times article on the Titans website.

Lamoriello said the team would follow the Lowell club, which changed its nickname to the Devils after that team was purchased.

"I'm sure that (the Devils name) will happen eventually," Lamoriello said.

Titans fans won't have to worry about a team name change this year and team mascot Clash will be around for at least another year, Titans spokesman Mike O'Brien said.


Also accoriding to someone on the Titans message board the NJ Devils have already registered for the site trentondevils.com.

There is also a rumor that the Devils will move the Titans to another location and move their AHL team (which they also own) the Lowell Devils to Trenton. That probably won't happen for a year or 2 though. Maybe they hold off a name change until then.

Obviously the name change won't happen for this season because it is to close and the team must share affliation with the Flyers who have an affiliation agreement with the team from the previous ownership. But it is something to look out for.

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