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Quack Quack


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Been quite some time since I've actually posted something in here.

So, I'ms till hung up on the Ducks, I don't like the black in their scheme, so I've been playing about with more Green for the design. I wanted colours that felt more outdoors-y, more natural. There are a few lumber companies and such around town that use this green and yellow scheme, the most likely reason I chose these as the primary colours.

I checked out some photo to try and find a pattern on actual duck wings to use, instead I came up with the double stripe pattern. Some ducks have a 'collar' of two white bands around their necks. I tried to do that here on the sleeves. The grey stripes are there to add a small highlight that some waterfowl do have. (and I felt that it needed a thrid colour for a touch of a mix.

I really like the new font they have, it has the perfect feel for a Ducks theme



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Not really feeling the orange, zer0. What you've got, especially against the white, looks really sort of like peach. I'd rather see it brighter, closer to where the Ducks have now, more of an orange like you'd see on hunting clothes.

Other than that, though, this is solid. I dig the double stripe pattern and your reasoning behind it.

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