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My first real concept


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I am gonig on vacation on Tuesday, so I only took time to do the log, I admit it's a bit juvenile and not as polished as I would want it to be, but nontheless it's a try at a logo for a team I am hoping og et into one of the sports leagues (eventually) so, without further ado... The Calgary Bulls.


Help me out fi you ahve any ideas.

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It's not bad. Do you have a specific sport in mind? To me this screams football with the Heisman-style pose. If you can make the eyes more menacing, that'd be an improvement. I'm not exactly sure how to accomplish that, but I'd probably start with less round eyes. Make the flatter on the top. Add to that a snarl and you're well on your way. Personally I think this could be an even stronger logo if it's full body.

The wordmark is lacking. It doesn't say "Bulls" nor "football." That needs to change.

Overall this is a solid start with the potential to be really great. Good work.

"In the arena of logic, I fight unarmed."

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at first I thought about telling you to put a baseball bat or a hockey stick in his right hand but then I realised that it would look more like he's about to kill somebody instead of playing the sport itself.

Also, I agrre with epiphanic about making his eyes more menacing!

Bottom line, it's a good start especially for a first "real" concept... I mean what were the other ones? unreal?



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lol @ above

But this was originally meant to bea hockey team logo, and after my vacation I was planning on finishing it, I have the secondary and lettering done already, but its only sketched out, and i dont quite understand how to do the sketch in PS.

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