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Trenton Thunder


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far as I know, I'm unveiling the first Trenton Thunder concept since they unveiled their 2008 set a few weeks ago...so without further ado, awwww here goes!







ignore the "home cap/road cap" designation, I was too lazy to change it to simply "cap."

I figure people are gonna ask me, "Why do you persist in using that fugly template?", "Scrim, why'd you make the lightning bolt the cap logo?", "Discrim, why's the alt gold?" or possibly "Scrim, why does the alt cap have gold front panels?" I figure I got a pretty good answer for all those questions: Because I wanted to. so let's hear them comments!


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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the alt cap reminds me of the padres hat circa 1984


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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