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I really like the derrick rose idea. It looks like the best weve had so far. I like it better without the script, because then it looks alittle like a corporate logo, but alone its simple yet effective. It could even be seen as arrows, meaning forward progression and looking ahead. I like it.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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That was my thought. The "arrows" kind of stand for his speed as a guard and the amount of potential he has in the league, how he'll just keep moving forward. The logo itself won't have the text, I put it there just for show. But honestly I think this could be one that we could end up using.

By monday, we need to come up with no more than 3 logos that we may use and focus on improving. I think each logo we've all created and thought had potential could use some work, so we should focus in on the best and try to make them as good as possible, and from there decide which one to use.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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That Derrick Rose one looks pretty nice, but I am not completely sold on it. Here are a few reasons:

1. It doesn't look like a logo an athlete would wear. It looks more like a corporate logo. That might not be a bad thing, but it is the first thought I had.

2. I don't think doing some design because it is cool, then looking for a player it might fit is the approach we want to take. I think for each logo, we should decide on an athlete, and design based on them and only them.

3. The DR isn't completely legible. Without knowing this is a Derrick Rose logo, I would not have even guessed that was a DR.

I also think there should be something else to tie it in with Derrick Rose. Just his initials doesn't seem like it would get a whole lot of respect from the judges. Does he have a nickname?

Okay, this post makes it sound like I really dislike the logo. That is not the case, those are just some concerns I had. I think it is a solid logo, but doesn't have much of a 'wow' factor, not yet anyway.


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alright, i understand. his nickname is Pooh (like Pooh bear, his grandma called him it because he had yellowish skin and a chubby stomach).

I was thinking of putting a silhoutte of a rose flower in a corner of the D or something.

guess back to the drawing board :unsure:

Also, think about it. When the jumpman logo came out, or if you for some reason didn't know it was Michael's logo, would you recognize it as MJ right away? If you saw Carmelo's logo, would you immediately recognize it as his? If you saw KOBEs logo, really, would you know it was his? Players personal logos aren't always immediately recognizable to people, but once they see it and know whose it is, it's impossible to forget and not see afterwards.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Our logos are not perfect, they still need work. But, I think they are better than the ones Optimus are putting out. Doesnt mean work should not be done on them. As far as presentation, I think we need to do something unique, but not too overboard (dont want to end up like Optimus last round). Magazine ads are a good idea, combining the company branding, logo we made, and style of that line of clothing, equipment, etc.

Another idea may be a billboard? In-store advertisements (cardboard cutouts, hanging banners, etc)?

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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I still haven't come up with anything else that I liked. I have been sketching a little bit, especially for Calvin Johnson, but haven't done anything I liked for it.

I like your ideas, Maz. I think a magazine ad would be kinda cool.


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Billboard? Meh, player logos won't really have that. A whole magazine page, like what you see in eastbay or something, but with the page devoted to different types of clothes with the logo on it would IMO be pretty cool.

I think we need to have the logo on a basic, vector template for each type of clothing, for the simple side, and then for show put it on an actual person (add some cool effects to the background as well, kind of like what Nike has been doing when they release new soccer kits. I advise you to check those out).

Not to steal any ideas, but I also love the way humanot presents his logos and stuff.


Go to case studies - sabres, and you'll see what I mean.

And I agree, a mag ad would be very cool. Would need a nice slogan to go with it.

Thing is, if we're to get all of this stuff done, we need to decide on a direction by tonight. IMO it's between Hester and Rose. Both need work, but it depends which one all of you like more and has more potential. We need the other members to get

active now.

OH and need to decide which company sponsors the players. I saw an Under Amour commercial the other day, and Hester was in it, so I'm assuming he's with them already. Did some research and couldn't find any logo thankfully.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I agree that so far, The Hester and Rose ones have the most potential. I think if we take those two, and work on them both some more, try some other variations and stuff, we will be happy with whichever one we choose.


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I've tried and can't think of anything that I can do to improve the Rose logo. One of you has to has an idea...

For an ad, we could take an action shot of Rose (or Hester) in game, color over his clothes, put the logo on or whatever, and make the background motion blurred black and white. Like this


Then come up with some kind of phrase.

Just getting my brain going, thinking of some for Rose...

"Can you catch him?" (same for Hester really)

"Don't call him the next anyone. He's not...He's Derrick Rose."

"The only person Derrick Rose plays like...is Derrick Rose."

cheesy things like that :P


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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In some of the other members' defense, Krock and SG are outta town.

Anyways, I have some ideas for designs to be used with the rose logo as far as advertising and products. The hester one I cant quite think of anything for. Im lost as to how to improve them.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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That is pretty nice, Maz. Whatcha got for Hester? ^_^

The DR logo does look really nice, but I am not sure if there is enough to it, with it just being a DR. I don't know if you can do anything to make it better though, because I think the beauty of it now, is its simplicity. So really I am not sure, one minute, I love it, the next, not so much.

Oh, and do we know when SG30 and FKA will be back?


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Hahaha, I feel the same way devin. Every other time I look at it, I really like it. Then I look at it again, and get the same feeling, that it needs something more. If you want, you can try adding a silhouette of a rose or something into it. I tried hiding a "1" in there, but that's such a hard number to put in.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Ok, softened up the logos, sharpened up the text, and softened up and took the saturation on Derrick himself down a bit to help him fit more with the picture.


I'll cook up somethin for Hester.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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