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Actual Logos vs Concepts


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I'm curious....

This board produces so many wonderful logos and uniforms on the "concept" board. And, often, the community's consensus is that some of these concepts are far and away better than what the ball team is using. My question is, why doesn't management/owners ever pursue these better logos? Is it cost? Intellectual property? Egos?

Two case in points, both NHL teams. I just saw a concept for the Dallas Stars at this site:


This concept is far more representative of the state of Texas then that big star they have now (and why were they never called the Lone Stars?)

The other one was for Vancouver... The concept had the WWII flying soldier on it, with blue and green colors. Unfortunately, I can't find a picture of it right now, but many considered it the best concept ever on the board.

Anyways.................. I was just wondering....

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i can't speak for professional teams, but in my experience, it's a pure lack of concern for aesthetics and branding, especially on the collegiate (small college's, in particular) and high school level - when a new high school in my area opened 3 years ago, i offered to give them a logo i designed that was unique to them and was better than probably 75% of the high school logo's i've ever seen (in my personally, albeit biased, opinion) - the only thing i asked for in return was some gear...they opted to use a myriad of clip-art logo's instead (last time i was in the school i counted at least 8 different hawks in use) - i've had conversations with at least two dozen small college athletic director's and/or marketing coordinator's whose teams use either a.) someone else's logo, b.) nothing, c.) clip-art, d.) lots of different things or e.) all of the above at some point...and they simply have no desire to brand themselves or upgrade the way their athletic programs look...it's kind of sad, really - they simply don't realize how much a strong, exciting, well executed brand can mean for a campus and community from a monetary standpoint, as well as increasing spirit/pride - i could understand if they didn't think i was the right designer (hell, i don't have 1/10th of the skill most of the folks on this board have), but they don't even want to think about rebranding

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I think that teams are wary of inadvertently infringing one someone else's idea and the potential legal costs that would be involved trying to prove that the team's design wasn't based on some fan's submission. Case in point - the Baltimore Ravens having to change their logo after the similarities between it and a fan drawn logo from years before were pointed out. It would also cost the team a ton of money to rebrand something if they lost the rights to their preferred logo.

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Teams aren't marketing to design geeks. They're marketing to sports geeks, to whom the design is secondary to the team it represents.

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