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NBA Redesign Series


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Alright, starting with this project, I have officially made the leap from MS paint to Inkscape. I'm still trying to get comfortable using the program, but I at least got comfortable enough (thanks to alot of yalls help) to finish my first concept.

For the Atlanta Hawks it hurt to do a concept because I absolutely love their latest branding and uniforms. However, without my home town biased, I can make two complaints: 1) red and blue is used way too often in sports, and 2) their uniform design is extremely simple (you see similar designs on alot of high school and college uniforms).

So, for the Hawks, I originally decided to go with their old Red, Gold, and Black scheme while keeping their current wordmark and numerals. However, I had trouble working Gold into the uniforms so I dropped it. The final product is a Red, Black, and Silver color scheme that is very Falcon-esque. I wanted to go with a simple design, but one that you wont find on HS and College uniforms. So...here we are...


...C&C's please. Also, what are you're opinions on adding Gold?

Celtics are next

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2) their uniform design is extremely simple (you see similar designs on alot of high school and college uniforms).

This seems to be much more simple that what they have now. To be honest, these look like glorified practice jerseys...

Sorry, but this set is a Downgrade.

Look at some of the Hawks' old jerseys to incorporate yellow- It does work if down correctly....

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This is a little bit too Falcon-esque. If I didn't know better, I would say that this was the Atlanta Falcons basketball team. Personally, I think the hawks have one of the best unis in the NBA because I think they are unique and I see this as a downgrade. You said that there are too many red and blue teams, which I agree with, but I think for the Hawks, the red and navy works great. I think you should just start from scratch on this one, or try to incorporate gold a little more so they wouldn't be so similar to the Falcons.


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I'm going to get around to doing v2's of my concepts after I get all 30 originals in. Thanks for the comments though...I'm gonna try as hard as I can get get a red, black, and gold Hawks concept without it looking like McDonalds All-America Jerseys...which is what I get so afraid of when using that color scheme.

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I actually like this. I agree that navy and red is used too much, and this is nice (although it looks a bit like the Blazers). To get rid of that similarity just try adding a touch of gold. I'm a huge fan of cities that have same-color teams (Pittsburgh) so good job.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Just a question, I'm not understanding, why not just substitute Yellow for Silver? Also, why switch from an overused combo in sports to the most used combo in the NBA? You could always go back to Royal Blue and Lime Green if you wanted to be unique. Also, I would make Red more prominent than Black, aka the Away jersey should be Red. And like people said, spice this up. I am working on my own NBA redesign, which probably will take so long to be finished that some teams will change their colors or logos or even cities, and I am trying to go wild with the jersey designs while still keeping them classy. You dumbed down their current set and made it very tame. I wouldn't say go gradient Red-Black and use giant hawks, but maybe be more creative with the piping and paneling. Looking forward to the rest of these.

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