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Dragons Logo


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Hey all,

I've had a logo for my Football team, the Dragons for almost 15 years now. But I've decided that this year I need a change. My old logo was similar in design to the old

Atlanta Falcons logo, only mine, obviously was a Dragon. For my updated logo, I thought I would try to do something similar, or at least along the same lines as the "new Falcons" logo. I've included all of the logos in my photobucket page. Take a peek and let me know what you think. I've got several different versions on there and I just can't decide which one I like the best.



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Hey, I really like the concept of using football laces at the top of the dragon and I can see how you've referenced the Falcons logo, without it coming across as a blatant rip off. The only issue I have is that I'm having a hard time differentiating your dragon from a snake. Maybe try adding fire, or wings?

Otherwise, it's very sharp. I particularly like this one:


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Thanks for the replies guys! The one you guys are picking is pretty much my favorite as well. The logo is pretty much a mesh of 4 or 5 different logos I've either seen or played around with. Yeah ScotM, I know it sorta kinda looks a little like a snake too....I just can't seem to make anything work and not look out of place. I'm really a fan of Logo's that are basic, simple and not too busy so I'm trying to avoid having too much going on in it. What if the spine spikes were a little bigger and more defined?? Not sure. If anyone wants to tinker with it that'd be cool.

I gotta say, I found this site about a month ago and I absolutely LOVE it. I'm a bit of a logo whore, I would say much like the rest of you on here. I'm not as good making them, and don't have the big programs to do the really nice stuff, but I love collecting logos and downloading them into umpteen dozens of files on my computer. God knows what I'll ever do with them all, I just like having them. Anyway....awesome site and some incredible work on here!


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Thanks for the replies guys! The one you guys are picking is pretty much my favorite as well. The logo is pretty much a mesh of 4 or 5 different logos I've either seen or played around with. Yeah ScotM, I know it sorta kinda looks a little like a snake too....I just can't seem to make anything work and not look out of place. I'm really a fan of Logo's that are basic, simple and not too busy so I'm trying to avoid having too much going on in it. What if the spine spikes were a little bigger and more defined?? Not sure. If anyone wants to tinker with it that'd be cool.

I gotta say, I found this site about a month ago and I absolutely LOVE it. I'm a bit of a logo whore, I would say much like the rest of you on here. I'm not as good making them, and don't have the big programs to do the really nice stuff, but I love collecting logos and downloading them into umpteen dozens of files on my computer. God knows what I'll ever do with them all, I just like having them. Anyway....awesome site and some incredible work on here!


I've been thinking about this logo a bit actually and I think the wings might over do it, but fire might be a nice touch. Something very simple. If I have any time later tonight, I'll try to whip something up. If not, expect it on the weekend.

I've been here for about two years and I've only recently gone from lurking, to pushing myself to do more showcase work. This forum is great for that as there are a lot of talented designers and my competitive nature always pushes me to want to be among the best.

Great designers aren't born over night, so keep at it and go with your instincts. If you ever need advice, we're always around to bounce ideas off of.

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Hey Generic, thanks for the Maritime welcome!!

C Jay Z, Yeah, I really do love my old logo, but like I said, I've had it for 15 or 16 years....time for change. That old one is a custom job too....a buddy of mine drew up a few different ideas and I played around with them, together we came up with what I've always thought was a pretty cool logo. I'm not really an Atlanta Falcons fan, I just love the logo, the scheme, and the colors, always have.

I wonder if we put some sort of claw or dragon like hand coming out from where the red is now on the new one, make it swoop out to the right, somewhat like the arm and talon on the Falcons, and the claw at the end of the wing on the old Dragons logo, it might distinguish it a little more as a dragon. Thoughts?

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