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New to Photoshop


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so I will 99% get photoshop tomorrow for Christmas, and to this point, I have used Inkscape for my NFL redesign (which I would LOVE for you to see!) Now that I will be on photoshop, I will use a new template. I've seen andrewharrington's pro combat, but are their any other options? What about these action templates like in the Alternate Universe series? Are those for photoshop? I know that I will use rezlands pro combat eventually when I finish the league and want to add those crazy pro combat designs. Anything I'm missing? Or should I even change templates at all?? Should I stay with my current Inkscape? Thanks.

concepts: washington football (2017) ... nfl (2013) ... yikes

potd 10/20/12
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The action templates that I use in my alternate series were made by myself and Buc in Adobe Illustrator, and I worked on them for two years before I posted the first concept in the series. Buc released his for public use a couple of years ago and there's still a link somewhere - maybe his signature? - to download them. Since I'm constantly working on new ones (the "Darrell Revis" in my Jets concept was just finished this week)I'm holding off on releasing them until after that whole alternate series is finished, but once it is I'll have them available for public use. As far as which program to use, I say play around with PS once you get it and see how you like it for concepts and you could always go back to inkscape if you need/want to. And as far as templates, again that's a personal preference, or you could always put your own stamp on it and make your own templates.


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