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NCAA Game on Air Craft Carrier


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USS Carl Vinson the preferred choice, but there nothing is set.

The final deal hasn't been reached, but the plan, being promoted by Morale Entertainment, calls for the Michigan State Spartans to play the University of North Carolina Tar Heels on Veterans Day, November 11, on the top deck of the Carl Vinson at the U.S. Naval Base in San Diego at about 4 p.m. PT.

"The discussion with representatives is still ongoing. If we are able to come to a final agreement, we look forward to the opportunity this event presents for our Navy and the veterans," Cmdr. Danny Hernandez, U.S. Navy spokesman, said. "We're still reviewing the proposal."

To cope with possible weather problems, two courts would be built on the ship: One up on the flight deck, the other below in the hangar deck, which would be protected from rain and some wind. The seating for the flight deck stadium would be wrapped with fabric to help block the wind, which college basketball players typically don't have to cope with.

As for the sunshine, the ship would be moored alongside a pier that would put the sun about midcourt, so no players would have to shoot into the setting sun. Plus a professional lighting crew that does lighting for rock concerts has been contacted about bringing in lights to help keep the court lit enough for the players and the TV cameras.

Another issue is security. An aircraft carrier is the Navy's most important asset. The game would attract about 7,000 fans. Getting them onto a secure Navy base and then on board a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier would take a significant security effort.Part of that has been addressed by the promoters, who don't plan to sell tickets to the public. Instead, some tickets will go to UNC and MSU and a few to sponsors as well as some youth coaches who take part in an onshore clinic. The rest of the tickets will go to service members, veterans and their families.

Plus, Morale Entertainment spokesman Mike Whalen said each ticket will have the name of the ticket holder printed on the front to prevent scalping. If the name on the ticket doesn't match your ID, no game for you.

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