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2012 Pro Football HOF Ballot

Mac the Knife

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Well, let's see...

-Parcells (What, no love for the Tuna? For shame, people... For shame :P)

-Kennedy (Biased homer pick and he was the best player on the Seahawks during the dark days of the franchise's history. He was the Defensive Player of the Year on a team that went 2-14. It would mean the world for an old 'Hawk fan like myself to see him get in)

-Bettis (He was a great running back and it's was cool to see him go out into the sunset with a championship)

-Martin (4th in career rushing yards and still underrated)

-Carter (Best receiver NOT named Rice)

-Reed (Kelly to Reed helped the Bills become a power in the early 90's)

-Dawson (I'm not all that familar with this player, but it sounds like he was very good during his playing days)


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I'm going to assume a class of seven, which means that Jack Butler and Dick Stanfel must be selected. Only five of the other 15 are allowed to be selected - to get to seven, Butler and Stanfel have to be two of them.

From there, I go...

Jerome Bettis

Cris Carter

Curtis Martin

Bill Parcells

Willie Roaf


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Whoa...just went back and realized Cris Carter was on that list. Don't know how I missed that the first time.

Well I'll state my case for Carter by saying this: how do you argue against a guy whose nickname is a complete sentence? "All he does is catch touchdowns."

I rest my case there.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

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