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Tank Stumper 6/3/04


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Of the 6 Sutter Brothers how many have been on a Stanley Cup Winning team, and how many cups have they won.

List Brother by Borther the number of cups won by each and o by those who never won any.



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Y'know, I'm guessing this to be a trick question. I know Brian never won any, since he played with the Blues his entire career. Duane and Darryl played mostly with the Blackhawks, I believe, who haven't won a cup in ages; the twins (Ron and Rich) played with the Blues, Flyers, and a few other teams that haven't won in quite a while; Brent's teams are eluding me, but I don't think he played on any of the powerhouses of the day.

Er, upon a quick search (in order to remember Duane as the sixth brother), it appears that I'm wrong, but since I had to look it up, I won't post the answer.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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The ones I was most familiar with were the ones Mockba blanked on--I cheered them on in the early 80's...

Duane and Brent both won with the Isles

Duane-3 cups


Darryl-0 (hopefully one soon as coach)




although some of them did come close...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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