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Sand Hill Cranes - Logo Concepts


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Hi everyone, first time posting on the board. I wanted to share an idea I had for an imaginary sports identity. Inspired by the abundance of Sand Hill Cranes on the campus of UCF (University of Central Florida).

I decided to have some fun and come up with a new identity for the school as a joke (Sand Hill University). If you are not familiar with these birds they stand about 4 ft tall, make a noise that resembles a horrible squeaking wheel, and are extremely aggressive. Seemed only natural for them to be a mascot.

I used sharp points and curves to portray the bird's aggressive tendencies and chose the colors based on their appearance. I used elements from the logo in the type face to bring the brand together. Still not sold on the secondary logo but would love to hear some suggestions. Any feedback is appreciated. Go Cranes!


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I hope you werent wanting to change the school name to Sand Hill, because I think NOBODY but you would understand it. The set looks good, but just saying The University of Central Florida Sand Hill Cranes sounds wrong (Abbreviated: UCFSHC). I hope that's not what you were trying to portray, but its a mouthful to say. Like I said, everything here looks pretty good.

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No no, I may have been a little unclear there. It would have been more like a play off the actual animal and been Sand Hill University Cranes. I can see the confusion.

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I honestly thought this was a concept for a team in Nebraska. The Sandhill Crane is named such because one of their primary habitats is in Nebraska's Sand Hills.

Nearly a half million of these birds migrate through Western Nebraska each year. Florida and Georgia make up pretty much their only other habitat in the US.



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As far as them being aggressive, maybe it is regional. They set up their nests and homes all around campus and when people get too close those birds let them know. I have seen them go after cars that are near them as well. Cool to hear everyone's experience with the birds I've become very interested in them, obviously enough to make a logo haha.

I know what you are saying about thicker strokes and lines, that makes sense. The outline might be a little thin here.

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Crob, I like the direction of your logo, but I'm not sold on the color scheme. Right now I feel like the orange and red are too close together and the blue/purple tones are a bit redundant.

Are you planning to mock up some uniforms? Or just a logo package? I'd love to see those color variations on different jerseys. For example, the light/powder blue color would look killer as a basketball alternate, but not great as a football jersey.


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