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Sporting New Mexico - full football jersey set posted


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So I've decided to try my hand at designing a logo with the hope of someday obtaining a small percentage of the skill I see so many have here on this board.

I've decided to go with something I know pretty well, the imagery from my childhood home, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I'm planning to use some of the common colors and design aspects of the region to come up with a logo set for a professional sports organization called Sporting New Mexico. My concept is that Sporting actually operates teams in a wide variety of different sports (allowing me to eventually get some good practice with a variety of jersey designs). As such the logo itself is specifically meant to not be specific to any particular sport and is more influenced by the style of traditional European soccer (football/fusball/etc) logos and shields more so than the style of American sports.

All of that being said I've gotten a rough draft of sorts done up in paint and am looking to switch to photoshop elements moving forward from this first cut but I was hoping to perhaps get a bit of feedback based on what I've got so far.

This first one is my version of a thunderbird for the team, it's a commonly used style and bird for the region and I've got it in one of the three primary colors I am looking to use, turquoise.


The next two are a couple different options I've got currently for the primary shield logo, both making use of the thunderbird from above and adding in more of the other two primary colors, red and a yellow/gold.


As I mentioned this is my first crack at design and I would greatly appreciate any comments or pointers for moving forward.


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I love the colors and the use of the Zia symbol. Maybe make the part of the zia symbol inner circle have a thicker line of maroon? Really great, fantastic for a first attempt. There is something that I don't really like about the head, can't really figure it out,.. Nonetheless, great start. I'm sure that you'll get some good c+c. Great work here!

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great logos! however, i would put a blue arrow in every red arrow not just the biggest two and i would center the new mexico flag thingy. other than that, great for your first logo

I would actually leave the "New Mexico Flag Thingy" where it is. I do however agree that the blue should be on all 3 "wings". As I said before, Fantastic for your first logo!

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I am definitely not a huge fan of how the head came out myself and will be reworking that aspect as I transfer from paint into photoshop.

I also agree that the wings should all have the two tone 'feather' arrow now that I look at it again and will work on incorporating that.

As for the Zia (flag sun symbol) it has a very long history and in my opinion is both a somewhat required inclusion and also largely overused. My use is a bit of a compromise in that it is there but in a bit of a different way than normal. Of course that brings up questions of misuse or disrespecting the symbol, issues such as centering it or how much tilt is acceptable. From a purely aesthetic standpoint I very much like it as it is, but as I mentioned there are other concerns to be considered.

For the Zia coloration I am considering using a gradient for the center portion which will help it stand out better from the background I think. It'll also open the door to possible gradients on future jersey designs.

I'm actually wondering a bit on people's feeling between the two shield versions, with the wings either enclosed or not.

And thanks for the support and comments so far.

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Here are the updated versions from photoshop, I've posted the main shield, the thunderbird second, and an NM mark I came up with as well. Each one is by itself and then shown over each of the three primary colors.

I'd really love any and all feedback or suggestions, thanks so much.




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Oh, yeah, I forgot to add, I modified the basic shield design because I felt the original was a bit boring and so I took from the seal of the city of Albuquerque, which is were the teams would be based.


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I reworked things with the suggested changes, I do believe overall it is an improvement but I'm not feeling like they're totally finished yet.

Please, any and all comments welcome.




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I'll check about possibly making that outline thicker but it will certainly not work without any sort of border between the wing portion and the background of the shield, they blend together completely.

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Here are a couple other options regarding the line width surrounding the thunderbird.

I personally prefer the original to both of these but think perhaps the secondary with just the bird might look better with a thicker outline.


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By #2 do you mean the one without the thunderbird outline at all?

I don't like how the wing portion blends into the shield background but I think I may have a simple fix for that I'll do when I get back on my home computer.

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Alright, I messed around a bit with the outline and the background colors and created a few more options. I'm only going to post my favorite of them, it's a bit of a hybrid, please let me know what you think.


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