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Roswell Greys Logo (No Clipart)

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Guest darkpiranha

Yep. Grey should be a significant color in the identity.

As to your logos, I'd advise you to immediately stop using the "plastic wrap" effect in the paint program. I see what you're attempting (trying to give the flat logos 'depth', but it's doing more harm than good. Just put your logos out there without any weird special effect and it'll look a lot better. We see that you're new to using the graphic design program and you don't have to make apologies for it or try to disguise it. However, we DO hope you continue to make every effort to get better at using Paint or any program you have access to. You're going to get a lot of great advice from some amazing designers here in this forum (I'm not one of those great designers, alas, but I do have opinions). Take advantage of it!

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