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Posts posted by Sodboy13

  1. Three black jerseys and two red ones in an 8-team league isn't good planning. Navy and black are a little too prevalent, again, just as they were in '01. That time around, the primary jersey breakdown was 2 black, 2 red, 2 purple, 1 navy, and 1 teal, with 4 of the 5 teams who didn't feature black or navy up top using it on their pants.

  2. Seattle seems like what the Amsterdam Admirals would be if NFL Europe still existed. Love the helmet, but the rest could be a lot better. The two biggest disappointments so far are probably Seattle and Tampa, which are honestly the two identities I thought could look best, at least based on my personal tastes.


    Anyone "epic fail"-ing this launch as a whole needs something better to get upset about. There's a fair bit of good and a lot of decent on display here. It's not like we're witnessing early 2010s Russell Athletic here, or early 2019 AAF, for that matter.

    • Like 4
  3. 24 minutes ago, Ice_Cap said:

    Champion would probably be perfect for this league, but either they're not interested or Vince didn't think they were big-time enough for his special project.


    Champion outfitted XFL 1.0. I don't know who owns the brand now - is it still Sara Lee? - but it's possible that was not the best of partnerships. Champion basically disappeared from pro sports after that.

  4. 25 minutes ago, GDAWG said:

    Seeing as though the XFL is owned by Vince McMahon, I would not be surprised if the uniforms are "flashy" to the point where most of us will call it ugly. 


    Most of the XFL 1.0 uniforms had a lot of traditional uniform elements. The names were wacky, but most of the uniforms wouldn't look out of place in the NFL of the day. Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Birmingham, and NY/NJ all kept things fairly straightforward, and the wildest thing San Francisco had were the Bronco stripes Demon horns.

  5. The indie leagues have been struggling and merging, and the two biggest indie teams will jump to affiliated ball under this plan. Indie ball has a higher level of cost uncertainty, due to no salary subsidies coming from up top, and a similar deficit in support staff and resources. Five regional reincarnations of the North American League aren't good for baseball or for anybody.


    Collegiate wood bat has been growing, and hey, free labor. But that level has no need for 40 new teams.

  6. Congratulations to Don Cherry on finally finding the line to cross that made CBC/Rogers do more than let him quietly sit out for a week. I now demand at least one week where Coach's Corner is seven solid minutes of Ron MacLean silently nodding and looking to his right.

    • Like 3
  7. "A good deal" would have been to tell the jagoff who left the country as a tax dodge to build his own damn rink with his own damn money, instead of handing him a minimum of $275 million of actual taxpayers' money. It's not like he was actually going to move the team. He couldn't even bother to put up the front of attending a Texans game with Miikka Kiprusoff or something.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Sodboy13 said:

    Name something good about the Ottawa Senators franchise. "They're in Ottawa" does not count.


    Okay, I found something.



    50 minutes ago, Wings said:

    It's not the team. It's the owner. 


    The team is the owner. He's owned them for 15 years, taken credit for "saving" the franchise to the point where he felt comfortable asking fans for a liver transplant, keeps an unpopular logo and uniform, and regularly puts himself front and center of the team's PR, whether it's Between Two Pylons with Mark Borowiecki or threatening to move the team the day before hosting an outdoor game. Alfie has told the organization to kick rocks publicly - twice. They tried to villainize Erik Karlsson for not taking a steep-enough hometown discount.

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