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Posts posted by Sodboy13

  1. The theory rumbling in my brain is that Dundon, a vulture capitalist by trade whose big windfall came from predatory auto loans, is going to run the franchise all cheap and bare-bones until he can flip it to Quebecor, who will pay an NHL-mandated premium price for it.


    Rod Brin-da-who? :censored: him. He's just an employee. I got mine, bye.

    • Like 2
  2. Goff said their show was #3 in Males 25-54 in the ratings, which is great, unless ESPN 1000 was #1 or #2, in which case it's awful.


    It's obviously better listening to have people who know how to talk and know what they're talking about on the radio. Jason Goff and Spiegel worked well together, and Jason on his own had some excellent moments of being more of a real person than probably anyone else in the lineup. But I can see how it becomes a hard sell with ad breaks stuffed full of strip clubs, football betting tip lines, and sketchy dick pills. You need to engage and placate the knuckle-draggers if that's where you're making your money. Might as well bring back Mike North in mornings and hand the midday over to Chet Coppock and Mancow.


    It's gotta suck to work at The Score and see Dan McNeil darkening the doorstep again, though. Guy's burned every bridge, can't handle his substances, can't handle his temper, won't show up to work for weeks because of perceived mistreatment, and bombed out on his last gig - so hey, here's our afternoon drive shift for you!


    50/50 he doesn't make it to the end of the Bears' season.

  3. NBCSN has been playing "Shine On Me" by Dan Auerbach for their ASG promos, which is such a fun little throwback of a song.


    A guy "from Detroit" who actually grew up in a mansion in the outer rings and has gone from faux-rap to embracing alt-right tinged country over the past two decades is almost too perfect for the NHL, when you take a moment to think about it.

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  4. I really like that leaping full-body fish. The script has a sort of '70s-'80s NPB feel to it. It's too busy in places and the keener eyes are already on the details (the stitching on the baseball looks like it was lifted from another design house entirely,) but it does make me want a hat. That's better than most Brandiose efforts.


    The pinstripe/headspoon combo on the jerseys is way too much, though. Pick one.

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