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Posts posted by Sodboy13

  1. 9 hours ago, the admiral said:

    Well, the league won't shut down for three weeks next year so that guys born in Minnesota and Michigan can eke out a 1-0 win over Latvia at 3 in the morning. That's their first good business decision in years. But other than that, no, it's always been half a step above carnies.


    I want to thank you for posting this, because I see no reason the NHL should go to the Olympics, especially these next two, and I found myself alone in that sentiment and completely unswayed by anyone's argument in favor. I was concerned I had fallen into some personal alternative fact-o-sphere.

  2. Bettman was in Calgary about two weeks ago to pull his "nice team you got here, shame if something happened to it" routine. The mayor has been pretty solid so far in telling the Flames and Stamps to go screw and build something with their own money. I say pack a bag for Ken and give him a Google Maps printout with directions to Atlanta.

  3. The California teams all moved where they did to cut out travel. Putting Anchorage in would undo the compact footprint, and probably make the Kings and Sharks whine their way into making David Andrews let them play a 48-game season. If the Canucks bail on Utica and set up in Abbotsford, then maybe it's doable, with teams going north for 4 or 6 games between the two teams. Otherwise, Anchorage is no man's land in the current minor hockey landscape.

  4. FS1 has axed Fox Sports Live and is firing Jay and Dan, so they can get jobs at a real network again. They're also canning Garbage Time with Katie Nolan and putting her in some new format that's a better fit with Fox Sports' overarching image of empty-headed crapulence. If the past month is any indication, Jamie Horowitz will probably have Katie doing standups in front of a flatscreen in-between segments of All Takes Matter, live-reading tweets.

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