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Everything posted by The_Admiral

  1. Ohio State has no business pulverizing a little bug like Kent State anyway. That's like the Yankees playing a "tune-up" against the Montgomery Biscuits.
  2. A banner seems gratuitous. Maybe just a trophy, or a plaque-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack. I wouldn't see Billy Joel either, because the guy only had like three good songs.
  3. I'm gonna check out that book he wrote. Seems like it's right up my alley.
  4. None of this has anything to do with "academic standards." It has everything to do with exploiting fast kids for money.
  5. Baltimore expansion team that never happened (nor did its Memphis HounDogs counterpart)
  6. Welp, now I've done it; I've pissed off Omaha.
  7. Everything west of Minneapolis and St. Louis is a vast wasteland.
  8. Superconferences will ruin college sports like a banana peel ruins a landfill.
  9. Turns out reading attempts to form college superconferences is a pretty reliable analogue to food poisoning.
  10. Why should Stanford be the gatekeeper for a revenue-generating athletic conference? Nobody's really doing this for the research crap. It's a cash grab. "Sorry, guys, you don't have the lofty academic standards required for pretending that idiots who run fast are college students. Try again next time!"
  11. Make sure you use MLA style when you cite "WASHINGTON (INDEPENDENT) BASEBALL LOGO" or they'll hit you where it hurts.
  12. If the Coyotes should be so lucky as to move to Winnipeg, that would mean Colorado shifts to the Pacific, setting up a Vancouver-Calgary-Edmonton-Winnipeg-Minnesota division, right? Or is that too Canadian?
  13. They were smart to turn it down, as that first year in the West was on the verge of being historically bad.
  14. I have no idea what you're talking about. Before the Bobcats joined the league, there wasn't a Southeast Division. The Hornets were in the Central Division as they were in Charlotte until the Bobcats necessitated a 15th team in the West. Why would Memphis and Milwaukee swap? Memphis is west of Milwaukee, and farther from Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Indianapolis than Milwaukee is.
  15. Oh no, he's going to threaten to assault members of the press with it! Oh wait, wrong red/navy team, lol
  16. He'd probably go down easier without pads bigger than Luxembourg.
  17. Not only do the Bucks have to contend with perennially successful college basketball programs in their midst, they fail to exploit the extended Wisconsin market that the Packers and Brewers have (and kinda need to have). You get past the suburbs and there are just too many people who traffic in worthless canards like "it's a streetball thug league" or "they don't try hard" or my personal favorite, "they don't play defense." The Bucks have a very nice arena that charges low rent and still doesn't make the team enough money, they want a new one, Milwaukee doesn't see fit to give them one. They're not long for this world, probably gone by 2015, all parties involved will be more than happy with Marquette holding down the fort, and kids who want to follow the NBA can just follow the Bulls like many of their elders seemed to do in the '90s.
  18. I view Greater Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area as single markets because that's exactly what they are according to Nielsen and the Combined Statistical Area listing from the census. To wit, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles-Long_Beach-Riverside,_CA_CSA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Jose-San_Francisco-Oakland,_CA_CSA http://www.tvjobs.com/cgi-bin/markets/market2.cgi Baltimore-Washington is the only one that's a little iffy. They're separate television/radio markets, but compose one CSA. I think as the sprawl continues through southern Maryland, there will be fewer reservations about lumping Baltimore and Washington together.
  19. The Falcons and Cardinals are the worst offenders when it comes to wonky numerals, yeah. I can't stand the Eagles' typeface at all, but I know I'm in the minority on this, and I'm largely okay with it. Actually, the Chargers' white uniform was a little problematic in that the yellow got lost against the white. I suppose this could've been remedied by going blue/yellow/blue on the numbers instead of blue/white/yellow, but then you lose the harmony of the whole set or something. Still better than powder blue that looks green.
  20. Man, all those new NFL proprietary typefaces are such a waste of time. I get the idea, but it's still irritating that it has to be done. Once upon a time, every single team except the Bears used the same varsity block. Simpler times indeed. You'd think those Chargers jerseys were already kinda hard to counterfeit, wouldn't you? I didn't find the home uniforms bland. You get so much pop between the three colors. Everything's too muddled now.
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