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Posts posted by shaydre1019

  1. I have jack fm where I live and it's alright. The radio is terrible here so I have very low standards and they'll sometimes play great music so it's not THAT bad.

    And man I used to get phone calls from Montgomery ward when I was really little! I didn't even know they still existed.

  2. I've mentioned it before but I know under reebok the Dallas cowboys (maybe more but as far as I know only Dallas) never had the correct number fonts. It was like a regular block font. And the navy jerseys had it wrong too and I didn't even notice. So I mean if they're not gonna put forth the effort to get fairly big details like that right then they deserve to lose money to counterfeiters. I know it sounds bad but cmon, te biggest team in the league and you can't get them right??

    Would a DIY jersey be as frowned upon as buying a fake??

  3. 3_hours_later.jpg

    if you didn't read this in your head with a French accent, turn off your computer and go feel shame

    lol i totally read it in a french accent!

    honestly i've gotten some knockoff soccer jerseys on ebay and you can't tell the difference between those and actual replicas. Not saying all knockoffs are that good but in my experience they've looked really good.

    My cousin got some knockoff Nfl jerseys and well i can totally tell they're fake. Cheap stitching shiny bubbly numbers. Extra shiny shimmer sheen material. With that being said those don't seeem too uncommon and the reebok jerseys werent that good, plus keep in mind that most people on here obsess over little details that the average fan won't even realize. Havent seen any real or fake nike jerseys up close so i can't comment.

  4. Alright guys, I know you guys are all "picking apart the fakes" but being from Texas, I've been to Dallas Cowboys Pro Shops a few times. Everytime i go i love to look at the jerseys, but i ALWAYS notice that even the $ 200-300 "Authentics" cannot get the number font correct. the "9" is not the same "9" Tony Romo wears on the field and to think that they are charging this much and can't even get it right makes counterfits sound reasonable.

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