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Everything posted by infrared41

  1. Heard this on ESPN radio - in their last 11 match ups, Dallas is 2-9 against Arizona.
  2. Translation: What stupid thing can I say to get people to argue with me?
  3. No, that can't possibly be the reason. It has to be something that makes him look bad and provides fodder for internet football experts.
  4. If she doesn't call one of those songs "Bang the Drum Slowly" we have failed as a species.
  5. Yeah, Ohio State holding ND to 14 points was pure luck.
  6. Rankings work like this: "brand name" schools are always overrated (see OSU and ND), polling coaches who don't pay attention to the teams they're supposed to rank, and media circle jerks. Hope that helps.
  7. How did that work out for you, Lou?
  8. Being less important would be easier.
  9. Justice and the Ohio State Buckeyes prevail.
  10. No one said Deion had some novel idea. He used the rules in place to Colorado's advantage. That aside, I just don't understand all the hate Deion is getting. He's the same guy he was when he was playing in the NFL. Was he supposed to change his personality because he entered the hallowed halls of football coaching? If given the choice right now between buttoned up, says the right things the right way, Ryan Day or Deion Sanders as HC of Ohio State, I'm taking Coach Prime all day long.
  11. You think schools like Tennessee or Miami can't get NIL deals for players without Deion?
  12. You're forgetting the key ingredient to this formula - money. Colorado didn't get all those new players solely because Coach Prime is cool.
  13. The ESPN hosts weren't wrong. Colorado has changed the game forever. Do any of us really believe that the Buffs will be the only team to essentially wipe out its roster and use the transfer portal to quickly rebuild? Struggling programs who hire a hot new HC will be doing the same thing and they'll be doing it soon. This is how it's going to be until it's not.
  14. I can’t explain why, but I used to get him and Jake Plummer confused Same here.
  15. By different aesthetic taste you mean the correct aesthetic taste, right?
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