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Lights Out

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Posts posted by Lights Out

  1. On 4/7/2022 at 7:57 AM, BBTV said:

    a "schedule loss" (as Glenn Rivers calls it)


    One of the best parts of the Clippers the last couple seasons is not having to listen to Glenn's dopey excuses/deflections after he chokes again.  This just gave me a PTSD flashback. 😂


    "It's a make or miss league" was another one of his favorites. I feel bad for Sixers fans that The Process culminated in that guy coaching your team.

  2. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    If you had an intro course to the CCLSC, it would mostly be lore and not actual uniform/design stuff.


    I dunno, the part about the Coyotes skating on the frozen blood of the non-believers might scare potential new members off.

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/1/2022 at 11:27 AM, NFLfan10 said:


    I got very angry until I realized it's April Fools Day. The sad reality is that we have reached a point where pretty much any team adding an all-black alternate is 100% believable.


    That buffalo wing inspired logo is a work of mad genius.

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  4. Jameis didn't upgrade all that much. The Saints' current uniforms are almost as messy as the Cowboys' and look lifeless despite having so much potential for a great look. Their insistence on wearing black pants all the time is the cherry on top of the :censored: sundae. If the Bucs had a legible number font instead of the alarm clock numbers, he honestly would have downgraded.

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  5. 37 minutes ago, ManillaToad said:


    Sounds more like you should be directing your anger at the media


    Both the narcissist who can't walk away and the media who can't stop slobbering over all things Brady-related are to blame.


    I never liked Peyton either, but at least he left with a shred of dignity. Sure, he could barely throw a football anymore and was dragged kicking and screaming to that Super Bowl by his defense, but when he retired, that was it. No faux-retirement to derail the Super Bowl hype, no unretirement to divert attention away from March Madness. It just goes to show who's secure with themselves and what they've accomplished over the years and who's deeply insecure.


    When Brady does finally have to retire, I could easily see him becoming one of those salty "back in my day" guys (the type you often see in the NBA) who spends his life trashing the current generation of players to prop up himself and his era.  It's obvious he can't handle anyone else getting attention.

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  6. The Clippers have a better record than both the Lakers and Nets right now despite Kawhi being out all season, PG being out for most of the season, and Norm only playing three games before being sidelined by an injury. Not only that, but they're two games over .500 with all that money on the bench, which is crazy. Ty Lue might be the best coach in basketball.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, gosioux76 said:


    I think they've already tried that with the uniforms they're wearing now. 


    Piping and panels all over the place wasn't ridiculous or off the wall in 2005, it was literally following the dominant trend at the time.

  8. Ohio State's new field is a big upgrade. I like the subtle incorporation of their stripe.


    Bulldog Bold never made much sense for UGA's brand in the first place. I never understood why they didn't just adopt their basketball team's old custom font that matched their logo across the board.



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  9. I'm glad the Jazz are not only keeping the J-note/number combo, but also promoting it to primary status. It's clever, and makes me appreciate a logo more that was never one of my favorites. Of course, I'm also the only person on the planet who liked the Clippers' old red jerseys with the LAC logo and number side-by-side, so there's that.


    That light powder blue color hinted at in the All-Star Game logo makes their rebrand a little more interesting than it would be with just black and yellow. I'm intrigued to see how it's incorporated in the uniforms.

    • Like 5
  10. 58 minutes ago, VikWings said:

    -Clippers: They just love forcing black don't they?


    I'd be more upset if I actually cared about the normal red/white/blue color scheme that much. My hope is that they're slowly phasing out RWB so then they can bring back the San Diego color scheme for the new arena.

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  11. 21 hours ago, TenaciousG said:

    The Steelers at least have history with it. Boise State’s original helmets were cool but the trend has been overblown since then.


    The funniest thing was when Oregon State did a Steelers helmet (late 90s, I think) with a regular sized Beaver logo on one side and nothing on the other. No explanation whatsoever.


    The reason why it worked for Boise State is because the contours and shape of their logo made it perfect for the "Michigan Panthers" treatment. Even then, the helmets would improve by leaps and bounds by having the logo on both sides instead of just one.


    Another school that made it work, IMO, was Arizona State. The pitchfork already looked good on a helmet anyway, so there were no real downsides to making it bigger.


    The actual problem, like with all uniform trends, was all the other schools hopping on the oversized logo fad without giving the slightest bit of thought to how it would work with their brand.

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