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  1. Speaking of the Burlington Bees, I worked for them back in the late 90's when they were a Cincinnati Reds affiliate. Back then, the Reds required (or maybe strongly suggested) that all of their minor league teams feature red as the primary color. To facilitate this, the Bees rolled out red hats (with grey bills) to wear at home and replaced their yellow trim with red. The result was this monstrosity - complete with blue pinstripes. The road unis were even worse. The only red to be found was on the numbers and the trim on the front of the jersey. They apparently satisfied the Reds rules, but certainly didn't look anything like the parent club.
  2. Intimidating? To whom? Which NFL teams are intimidated by Denver's current horse head? Is J.J. Watt losing sleep in Houston over the "intimidating" Broncos logo? Omaha! Omaha!
  3. Maybe it's me, but I'd rather watch the Iowa Cubs than the Iowa PorkChopzz.
  4. Wow. This is an incredible logo for a baseball team from Nashville. The color scheme is a unique and refreshing change from all the black/navy/royal/red teams out there. The f-hole in the logo immediately screams music, and the neon reminds you where that music's coming from - it just screams Nashville. If you saw this logo for the first time on a hat - whether it was someone wearing it, or on the rack in a store - and you had one guess as to what the "N' stood for, what would you guess? To me, that's the sign of a great logo. I can't wait to see the rest of the set!
  5. Not unpopular with me, the NFL needs a team that uses light blue.Titans, lions, panthers, dolphins, and chargers all use light blue, you can add the jaguars to the list too if you wantThe original poster said more NFL teams need to use light blue. A list of "professional" teams shouldn't include the Dolphins and Jaguars.A list of "professional" teams shouldn't include the Dolphins? Your insight on NFL history is amusing. Google "1972 Dolphins" and come back to play sometime.
  6. It's where he started Very true. In a way I found that interesting once he got on board with the Phillies organization after leaving the Cubs minor leagues. I can only wish him the best, but still wish he was with the Cubs organization in some capacity. Although, I realize why he left. Ryno is my favorite baseball player of all time. I was really disappointed when the Cubs hired Dale Sveum instead of him, but then I realized that is just wasn't the right time to bring Ryno to the North Side. The Cubs are/were a mess, and nothing Sandberg could have done would have changed that. Sveum was hired to fail, unfortunately so is Renteria. Hopefully the timing is right to bring Ryno back to the Cubs when they actually have a competitive team on the field. That has to happen soon, right?
  7. It sounds stupid to have teams call themselves "football club" when they play in a league called "Major League Soccer." I know...I get it...you're not cool or hip unless you can throw around the proper European terminology. That's fine. Call it football, or call it soccer, whatever. Just make it consistent.
  8. It looks like David DeJesus's stint with the Nationals may be all of two games. He played for the Cubs, got traded to the Nats -while they were playing the Cubs in Chicago (basically just switched clubhouses) and may soon be a Ray in the course of a week. All without ever having played a home game in D.C.
  9. Championship rings, watches and related commemorative items are the only gifts which a university, bowl game, or similar entity can give to participants without risking sanctions under NCAA rules, and even in those cases the amount which can be spent on them is severely regulated. The proliferation in rings stems, at least in part, due to guilt on the part of universities, boosters and so forth who understand they're making millions for their respective schools but without compensating the kids directly. Throwing them a bone, if you will... with a wink and a smile saying, "There's nothing preventing you from selling these once your NCAA eligibility period ends." Which, is precisely why people have a problem with tOSU getting rings when they're on probation - since that's the reason why they're on probation in the first place.
  10. I don't care about the color of facemasks on football helmets. They could all be gray for all I care. It makes absolutely no difference to me.
  11. As a fellow size-8er, I can assure you that the high-crowned, flat brimmed caps look absurd on you too. You may not be ready to admit it, but ask anyone who sees you wear one for their honest opinion and you'll soon realize the truth. 5950's just weren't made for people like us.
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