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Everything posted by rams80

  1. Hey y'alls. Super excited to make losing to ing Virginia an annual affair. Let's bring in Wake Forest and speed up their efforts to pass Indiana in all-time winning percentage while we're at it.
  2. This is gonna be a stupid question, but what value does NC State bring to any conference expansion, really? Their football hasn't been that good and the rest of their athletic program's mediocre, plus they aren't making that much money from what I understand, so it's not like there's that much to gain by adding them. I mean I guess there's the research triangle deal with them, but wouldn't that make UNC and Duke way more valuable? For better or for worse SEC schools are seen as academic slums by their peers. As Duke and UNC have pretensions towards something less slumlike academically, they will never answer the phone when the SEC calls. Same reason Texas won't.
  3. Enjoy hiring a new President after this. Granted finding one is going to be hard.
  4. BYU wont be in the big 4. Their no Sunday play really hurts them. I don't know the deal with VT/UVA. I noticed myself that no one in the media is counting them as a packaged deal. Great question. Tech wanted ACC membership forever. They will ride that thing out until the bitter end. Virginia seems happy there too.
  5. I'd like to add that I hope any Big Ten invite to Maryland is made contingent on the athletic department growing at least a small sense of dignity.
  6. So they just made the Cotton Bowl at JerryWorld have slightly higher prestige? ---------------------------- Hey guys... super excited to be wishing for the destruction of Rutgers football during the fall now.
  7. pear $1200 per citizen? Cripes, they should all get complimentary season tickets.
  8. No, what Admiral is saying that he's fine with 2-1 games that feature goalies standing on their head. What he's not fine with is a 2-1 game in which one or both teams have proceeded to erect a hockey Hindenburg Line through liberal use of obstruction and interference.
  9. That's because the City of Glendale's Council tosses around $25 million subsidies like a sailor on leave without any regard for the consequences to municipal services. The Coyotes would be long gone if not for that.
  10. So when this does collapse like the house of cards it is, I have one request. Please don't adopt any of my teams as your new sock monkey.
  11. Just because someone isn't vocal about their thoughts on a message board doesn't mean we don't exists. Can you honestly look at this thread and blame a coyote fan for staying out of it? Until very recently there has been very little positive things for myself to post regarding this situation so unlike some people I decide to keep my complaining, whining, and overall sour grapes to myself. Not mentioned: The fact that Phoenix has fielded two very good teams prior to this season, with apparently no one, including the above poster noticing. That might be why the Coyotes are in this predicament. I remember when I was that deluded and naive. I think back then I thought Lawrence Phillips was going to lead the Rams to greatness. Fortunately we will never see that scenario play out, as such a madman does not exist. (If he did, 2008 wiped him out.) Such as the arena burning down because Glendale can't afford to have a fire department anymore. Now that's what I call irony!
  12. What hardship? Has the league been kiting checks while we weren't looking?
  13. Because the "legitimate owner who can make it work" can only make it work through enough financial subsidies from a municipality that would in turn cripple said municipality. That's the issue. The market is not independently viable. I'm pretty sure they're still going to post an actual financial loss at the end of a Cup run despite a bare-bonesed roster. That said, I wonder if your sentiment would persist if you realized that barring a Phoenix move, we're going to be seeing the unveiling of the Quebec Nordiques 2.0, formerly known as the Columbus Blue Jackets. It's different when your team is in the firing line.
  14. The ? Dallas had financial trouble because Tom Hicks was under the very mistaken impression that you could own crap solely through creative manipulation of debt and handing out reams of IOUs. Phoenix had/has financial trouble because Arizonans can't be motivated to watch NHL hockey for pennies on the dollar in numbers that are viable.
  15. I suspect the ACC would just revert to 12.
  16. Every time the Coyotes win a game another 10 civil servants lose their job.
  17. Except for the "They are a football school" thing.
  18. I for one eagerly await the sudden, violent, and completely unexpected death of the St. Louis Blues, to be accompanied by the end of verily every public service offered by Glendale.
  19. If they can, the A-10 should try to get North Alabama, if they aren't already taken. It would give them a southern fanbase, and a relatively large one at that. You actually believe the A-10 should take an institution which just started their six year plan to become a Division 1 school when there is little indication that they can handle it financially over the course of season, less the $1.4M needed to apply to move up? Not to mention North Alabama is a football school and the damn Conference doesn't even support football.
  20. And with that, as if there was any doubt before, barring a merger with the Big Sky (not happening), the WAC is officially dead. Anyone else have the feeling that a new conference will be added? The Sun Belt and C-USA are getting awfully large. Nope. Unless a I-AA conference decides to jump up en masse, the NCAA places enough hurdles to new Conference formation that it won't happen. I really wouldn't but completely surprised if either the CAA or Big Sky decides to do that. They could compete with some of the smaller conferences from the start (especially the CAA. Just look at James Madison, RIchmond, Delaware, etc.). THe CAA would compete more, but the Big Sky would probabley be able to replace the audiance that preivously watched the WAC (which, considering how small the confernce was, probabley doesn't justify the bump up in competition). The football CAA is too busy trying to fend off collapse at the moment to think about making the jump, while the Montanas at the least remain uninterested in the cost structure of I-A football.
  21. And with that, as if there was any doubt before, barring a merger with the Big Sky (not happening), the WAC is officially dead. Anyone else have the feeling that a new conference will be added? The Sun Belt and C-USA are getting awfully large. Nope. Unless a I-AA conference decides to jump up en masse, the NCAA places enough hurdles to new Conference formation that it won't happen.
  22. With the MWC/C-USA merger basically dead, C-USA is going after even more. (FIU, UNT, and La Tech) That gunshot you heard was Idaho's AD giving up on this cruel world.
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