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See Red

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Posts posted by See Red

  1. 6 minutes ago, GDAWG said:

    So which coach gets fired this week?


    Maybe Harsin?  But I don't know that any do.  Jeff Scott's a good bet for any week from here on out, though.  But they actually looked competent against Cincy this week.

  2. 3 hours ago, Dynasty said:

    I hope that loss for Kansas isn't a sign of things to come. It would be wonderful to see them finish the season with a better record than Oklahoma or Texas (or both).


    Better record than Oklahoma seems likely.  They're down bad.  You would expect their defense to be competent with BV but... nope.

  3. 1 hour ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    In hindsight, the Ravens should have kicked the FG.


    Harbaugh outsmarts himself every once in a while. It was bad enough going for it but then emptying the backfield kind of eliminated the run threat from Lamar.  The crappy thing is ESPN frames it as a costly int costing them the game when that wasn't on Lamar at all. 

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  4. Alex Smith had a very good career.  Don't know how anybody can call him a bust with a straight face, tbh.  In his seven seasons in San Francisco, he had three different head coaches and seven different offensive coordinators.  How does anybody succeed in that dysfunctional of an organization?  From 2011 on he was fantastic.


    Edit to add that I don't think there's any shame in being worse than Patrick Mahomes.  Honestly, what kind of criticism is that?

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  5. 3 hours ago, Magic Dynasty said:

    The only question now is if they wait until October 1st when his buyout cuts in half to fire him or not. I'll go with yes, but who knows, I wouldn't be surprised at all to wake up tomorrow to the news that he's done.


    Anyway, the Florida hype lasted all of one week. The entire team looked horrendous against Kentucky - Richardson, the defense, Napier, everyone. It's week 2 of a rebuilding year so obviously this doesn't really effect anything other than ESPN trying to hype up AR as a Heisman dark horse, but man I hate losing to Kentucky. 2-3 in the last 5 after winning 31 straight before that. That speaks more to the massive leaps UK's made over the last few years, but it still sucks.


    Seems a bit harsh. Defense played well as did the offensive line. In fact, I thought the team played pretty damn well in general with the exception of Richardson, who happened to be absolutely awful.  Wasn't thrilled with the playcalling but I don't know what to do when the defense shows zero respect for the pass and the QB is too inside-of-his-own-head to make them pay.  Not sure why they didn't design more runs for him early (or at all).  Maybe with Miller being out they're just being super safe?


    Also had some bad luck with the long TD that probably wasn't a catch but couldn't be overturned and the world's worst roughing the passer call setting them up for another TD. 

  6. Thought the Florida State-LSU game was the best case scenario for a rival of both teams.  Neither team looked any good and LSU has some serious trainwreck proposal.  Not only did they look bad, their best player looked completely disinterested in the game and scrubbed his social media of all LSU mentions within an hour of the game.  Add in Kelly's propensity for throwing his players under the bus and things could get spicy.


    FSU does look improved, specifically Jordan Travis, and should manage bowl eligibility in a terrible ACC, but their offensive line is still terrible.  Neither Duquesne nor LSU showed a whole lot of interest in tackling, though.  And if Travis misses any time, they're screwed.


    But as bad as LSU looked, if Kayshon Boutte puts in any effort,  or if their special teams weren't hot trash, they still win.


    29 minutes ago, Seadragon76 said:

    Yeah, that special teams coach is gone.


    Brian Polian is the only coach that followed Kelly from Notre Dame. 😂

  7. 5 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:


    Is it just me or does VT seem to get upset every year by either a G5 or FCS program? Feel like it happens to them more than anyone. 


    Well, this is the second time in, like, five years they've lost to ODU.  That program's really dropped off a cliff. 

  8. On 8/10/2022 at 9:52 PM, Burmy said:

    Everyone loves March Madness...except for college football status-quo defenders, it seems.


    March Madness is great!  The rest of college basketball season is pretty forgettable because of it, though. Duke can play Kansas in November and it means about as much Alabama's spring football game. 

  9. 5 hours ago, dont care said:

    I know that, but what I’m talking about is how the car goes through optical scanning. The cars now are scanned with lasers and they know every inch of that car down to the millimeter. Makes me really wonder what they did to where it could pass that but once they take the wrap off they go well that ain’t right rather quickly too.


    Apparently it was extra layers of vinyl (see tweet below).  Just a guess but I imagine it was on the high end of the scanner tolerances and legal in that regard, but NASCAR considers the "modification" itself illegal.  Again, that's a guess.



  10. 48 minutes ago, DG_ThenNowForever said:


    Great point. If UCLA was just barely scraping by, WTF are they doing with a big-time football program?


    You know that graphic that shows the #1 paid public employee in most states is a football coach? It would be nice if that weren't the case for any state. It's absurd to take money -- at a time of rampant income inequality -- from people who don't have any and give it to sports programs.


    I'd wager their athletic program would be worse off if they cut out the sport brining in 2/3 of their athletic revenue. The football program itself is probably profitable, even if marginally so.

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  11. 9 minutes ago, JayMac said:

    College football, as we knew it, is completely dead. It started dying 12 years ago and it was on life support when Texas and Oklahoma bolted for the SEC.


    This might really kill my interest. I have no desire to see Penn State play a conference game against USC or UCLA. 


    Penn State/USC sounds fun to me.


    I'd rather this than argue about G5 vs P5 for the rest of eternity. I think a clean split between the two has become necessary, unfortunately. 

  12. 54 minutes ago, Germanshepherd said:

    ACC contract being locked until 2036 might prevent some teams from jumping ship. 

    2023 may well be the last season we see where conferences have unique personalities. Cherish it. 


    If they go SEC, ESPN can make the Grant of Rights work out, maybe.  Clemson's an obvious choice for the SEC.  VaTech too, maybe? Really hope one of FSU or Miami get left out. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, the_grateful_ted said:

    College football is dead. I feel the same way I did at the end of the movie “Annihilation”. Scared, confused, will something grow out of its ashes? NO YOURE BEING DRAMATIC-


    As a huge college football fan and a fan of a school on one of the to-be-super conferences, I agree.  Between this and the lack of any meaningful oversight on NIL, I hate where the sport is heading. 

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