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Kevin W.

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Everything posted by Kevin W.

  1. Plus they had to wear the matching jersey and pants or the striping would look awkward.
  2. The problem with that uniform is the bowtie wordmark. Getting rid of that was a huge step forward for the Padres this year.
  3. Because it's funny. That's pretty much the gist of the whole thing.
  4. It wouldn't be the first time. He already let the Thrashers move.
  5. I've always gotten the impression that Rangers fans like that logo. It's no Buffaslug or Mooterus.
  6. That's not an unpopular opinion. The Lady Liberty logo is more liked than disliked.
  7. I love the Gorton's logo. It would look just fine on a regular jersey.
  8. I believe that's Clarendon.
  9. I agree, but money talks and with schools like Oregon and Maryland, those alternates sell. Yet Maryland's alts didn't bring in enough money to save several athletic programs from being cut recently. Point taken. Uh, schools like Oregon and Oklahoma State?
  10. As much as I would love it if the NCAA instituted stricter uniform policies, they'd never go as far as the NFL. Maybe there would be some restrictions, but there would have to be leeway. It would never happen otherwise.
  11. I agree, but money talks and with schools like Oregon and Maryland, those alternates sell.
  12. I totally agree with you. Basketball and football officials should wear striped shirts, period. I'll go so far as to say American soccer should add that. There are lots of things about soccer that make it look foreign in the eyes of many Americans. Having refs wear striped shirts, instead of teams wearing striped shirts, would help. That's where you and I disagree. The solid-color uniform is standard for soccer referees. No need to change that.
  13. I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion so I'll just throw it out there: I hate the fact that NBA referees don't wear striped uniforms.
  14. Is it already too late to relocate them? Yes. I believe they would have had to been moved by the draft. IIRC, Winnipeg was cutting it close last year. Yeah, the Thrashers' move to Winnipeg was officially announced on May 31st so I doubt any move to Quebec City is possible for the next season.
  15. I just don't get it. I don't understand how any Coyotes fan can defend this.
  16. "A thriving cultural hub?" Oh boy, that's a side-splitter.
  17. Well, someone else would actually have to nominate it. I'm hardly in any position to do so.
  18. Change the striping on the home to match the road and this look is perfect.
  19. I agree with TheOldRoman. Trying to throw all of those combinations together looks like... trying to throw all of those combinations together. It just doesn't work because there's too much there. All they need to do is continue to wear the black/white jerseys and have a purple/gold alt.
  20. No need. If this thing passes, it'll be such a tragedy I'm sure the Westboro Baptist church will show up and picket. I'm really glad I finished my soda right before clicking on this thread because I'd need a new keyboard after reading that.
  21. I say we take after Vancouver and head down to Glendale to start a riot. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!
  22. Extremism in the defense of (sports) liberty is no vice. Then again, there's nothing extreme about what the GWI is doing, so I guess my analogy is kaput.
  23. I think you need to fill the arena for more than just the handful of home playoff games to make that much.
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