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Everything posted by gosioux76

  1. Exactly. I wouldn't read into this as an endorsement for Las Vegas. It's just that Las Vegas is top-of-mind already in Oakland for any conversation related to relocation. The broader point was, "this happened to the Raiders, it will happen with the A's, too."
  2. I don't know. I think that St. Louis one could be problematic. Certainly, you can apply the wings to either side of the helmet, but that's hardly unique anymore. And they'd probably sully it by trying to cram that sword down the middle, just like the logo. Or worse, they'd just stick the logo as its on the side of the helmets and call it a day. I think that Gladiators could be wrapped to the back of the helmet, sort of like the old Michigan Panthers of the USFL. I'd like to see a Renegades helmet that employed those red eyes at the front of the helmet. The bottom third of the helmet would be blue to mimic the scarf and the top could employ some markings to illustrate the hat. I'm just spitballin' here.
  3. Yeah, they're totally giving people too much time to realize just how much they DON'T like their team's names and logos. Someone earlier was posting in defense of the BattleHawks name. Here's my problem with it. It's not only that it's generic and uninspiring, I hate any name whose root needs to be modified to make it seem more aggressive. Adding "Battle" to the name isn't a workaround. It's a sign that the name Hawks itself doesn't work on its own.
  4. Give Houston the Dallas colors and it's a straight up parroting of the Oilers, and I love it.
  5. If they go with Houston Roughnecks, and then give them Oilers colors, I may have to actually like this league.
  6. I think XFL came out with that strategy at the outset when it was competing with a rival spring league. Now that the AAF is dead, I doesn't really need a gimmick to set itself apart.
  7. The assumptions made by the Rays ownership group in this story are mind-boggling: They believe cutting the number of games in half will improve revenues because demand for the remaining games will increase. They believe this scheme could create some weird economic development symbiosis between Tampa and Montreal They believe it will make the team a tourist draw (from vacationing Quebekers, I presume?) And despite all of this, they seem to believe that the fans will somehow embrace all this. Because if they don't, the whole idea falls to pieces. Just mind boggling.
  8. Beyond the physical logistics of this hair-brained scheme, how would you even start the branding discussion? You've got two cities each with legacy franchise brands. Would Montreal really support a team not called the Expos, if it came to that? This whole thing is just mind-boggling.
  9. From the sounds of it, Oakland is on far firmer ground than they've ever been. Their waterfront ballpark plan still has skeptics, but it's gaining in public support. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/philmatier/article/Oakland-council-taking-its-time-wants-answers-13969521.php?psid=aQkeR
  10. My suspicion is that neither the Rays ownership nor Major League Baseball actually expects this scenario to play out as described. It's a long and complicated scheme to solve the league's Tampa problem, bring baseball back to Montreal, and finally start Manfred's long-awaited league expansion process.
  11. This is so transparent, and also pretty creative. This is just a fresh application of a club using another market as leverage for a new stadium, only this time they're hoping to do it while becoming the anti-Kroenkes. The Rays have yet to come up with a suitable stadium situation that they can finance. So instead of threatening to leave, the come up with this completely bonkers two-city scenario in which they'd have to develop not one, BUT TWO new stadiums. When the Tampa one inevitably fails to materialize, they'll at least be able to say "we tried our best, Tampa." It's crazy and brilliant all at the same time.
  12. To me, that's the jersey he should be remembered for wearing. Won two titles with Houston.
  13. XFL Commissioner Oliver Luck on Tuesday gave a timeline for when the league will release branding details: https://www.bizjournals.com/stlouis/news/2018/12/11/a-pretty-easy-decision-xfl-commissioner-on-why-st.html
  14. I agree 100%, though removing the wordmark would also eliminate the stick handle. Without it, I wonder if the hockey stick element is even noticeable.
  15. Are you sure that isn't a throwback? I see a pretty modern-looking patch on the sleeve with what looks like a 20th anniversary patch.
  16. It's hard to not see a dragon in some of those early Broncos sketches.
  17. I hate the combo of pinstripes and piping. It’s garish. But I love that jersey on the right, which pays homage to those classic Braves pullovers from the ‘70s. That said, theres just no way to see Stripers and not read it as “Strippers.”
  18. My high school mascot was the Gobblers, which I always felt was unique, so I'm not inclined to be excited by another organization adopting it. That said, I'd go with Stud Muffins, because why not.
  19. I don't think this has been posted, but here's a fresh take on Portland as a player in any potential relocation discussions: Canzano: NHL spat in Phoenix raises question ... will Paul Allen finally pull the trigger?
  20. You always have to factor in that while owners collect expansion fees, all other future league-wide revenue then gets split in one (or two potentially) more slices. So expansion doesn't automatically become a windfall. That's a really great point. I wonder which one makes the bigger impact: the addition of franchise fees or the decline in league-wide shared revenue.
  21. Trail Blazers president Chris McGowan has said publicly that Allen specifically asked him to explore the NHL possibility when it seemed like the Coyotes were in play. Here's the story from Oregonian columnist John Canzano that describes Allen as ready and waiting for the NHL. LINK
  22. I've never been a fan of the NHL's expansion practices, but they'd be leaving expansion fees on the table if they made Quebec City wait for a relocated franchise. QC and Las Vegas want a team so badly that they'd be willing to pony up those millions for a expansion team. Plus, there are plenty of viable markets open should Arizona/Florida/Carolina/INSERT TEAM HERE pack up and leave. Here in Portland, a columnist with the Oregonian last year reported about Paul Allen's interest in the NHL, but only if it were a relocating franchise. He apparently wasn't interested in ponying up $100M in expansion fees for a new franchise. I'd suspect that's a common sentiment from other potential franchise owners.
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