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Bomba Tomba

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Everything posted by Bomba Tomba

  1. This is more unpopular. They should go back to numbers inside the horseshoe
  2. That's it. I'm starting a company called "Meijest".
  3. What about this: someone posts a jersey, any sport, and then the next person "evolves" it, and then the next, and so on. Posts can be reserved beforehand. Relocations/color scheme changes are OK, but try to limit them. Until someone decides to do another team, and the cycle repeats. Or a league where different users can make teams (have a preset template for consistency), then games are randomized (like AFA). Have a "commissioner" who can decide who gets in or not. I know there are fantasy leagues here, but not those that use randomized scores instead of actual game scores. Hear me out on this.
  4. How about: Team name: Random nickname Color scheme: 2-4 random colors (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors_%28compact%29). If you get pink, you can re-roll. Sport: Random sport
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