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Posts posted by YelichGraphics

  1. 44 minutes ago, PlayGloria said:


    Agree with both of you. Honestly, this is really the only set of pants they need. Just swap out the jersey for home/away and they would look fantastic. I don't even mind the white socks on the road. 


    White helmet, red jersey, white pants, red socks


    White helmet, white jersey, white pants, white socks


    Black set: get rid of it


    That's all they need. The pieces are all there with this set. It just needs to be matched up.

    The might be an unpopular opinion but out of all of the BFBS uniforms the cards pulls theirs off the best. Its a nice alternate for one to two games a season.

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  2. 13 hours ago, mattwillcox said:

    Some interesting stuff from the Sabres. Anyone with access to the logo slicks know if this wordmark is official, or just for social use?


    I believe it's just social use, but it's been used pretty regularly during the past couple of seasons. In fact I'm almost positive it was designed by our very own @MrWonka


    And to follow up on your question it is not on any logo slicks that I can find

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  3. I'll say it, even though I know its an unpopular opinion.


    This is not a bad uniform. 

    Honestly other than the half gold half matte black helmet, and just the helmet, I've liked every single one of the Jaguars uniforms.

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  4. Am I bothered by the amount of ads? Yes. But at the end of the day hockey is still being played. If it wasn't for such 💩ty leadership and marketing the NHL would not be in this position, and as a fan and uniform enthusiast that pisses me off.  But like I said before hockey is still being played and it's not to distracting from McDavid doing ridiculous things and the Sabres being mediocre to sucking

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  5. For the Rams it gave results that were definitely intriguing but they where all head on approaches. Unfortunately DALL-E only gives you a certain amount of requests so I did not request a side profile but I definitely can when I get the requests back.


    So for my inspiration I drew mostly from the first two, as well as their current alternate logo, and their old hand drawn logo.


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  6. Something that very popular at the moment is DALL-E the Artificial Intelligence generated images. I've seen multiple posts on twitter, plenty of YouTubers use it for inspiration, so I figured I'd use it for some football concepts.


    Now some of these requests gave me perfect looking logos. And others...... I'm going to have to use some of my own inspiration, not to mention doing what I can to make keep up with each teams current and past looks.


    I couldn't ask for better results than the Cardinals. It might have to do with every Cardinal team basically having the same logo, but I'm choosing to look past that😂


    Here is my logo based on the results


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  7. 1 minute ago, officeglenn said:


    Nope. Just paste the image URL and it should embed automatically. Actually right-click on the image in Imgur and select "Copy image address" -- the Copy Link button just copies a link to the gallery (not the actual image) and won't embed.

    guess its been a bit since I've been on the boards😂

  8. 23 minutes ago, hfrob13 said:

    Would anyone happen to have either of these helmet templates as an AI or Svg?


    Considering its the same style as the browns logo I would try downloading their logo off of Wikipedia 

  9. Anyone else have an issue using the search bar. Especially when I’m trying to find a template that’s not in the mega thread, the search can be helpful, but one wrong click and I get the “please wait another 8 seconds to search again”. The worst part is that it takes you to another page to say that infamous line, so you end up having to start your search all over again, which is a pain when you’re doing an advanced search with filters.

  10. 23 hours ago, Luke_Gagnon said:

    A handful of NLL teams need updating. The Rochester Knighthawks have become the Halifax Thunderbirds, with an expansion franchise taking Rochester's place with the same name. Additionally, the expansion New York Riptide are missing. Finally, to be nit-picky, the Mothership has the Colorado Mammoth's primary labeled as their alt currently.

    Just about to say that, I second this. As well as the PLL's new team the WaterDogs

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