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Everything posted by (probably)notabandwagonfan

  1. No. No. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm not even an A's fan. Noooooooooooo. How could they do such a dreadful thing?
  2. BAN THIS MAN!!!!Actually, I didn't hate the Mets in black, although I think it's just because it's what I grew up, but outside of the alts, the Mets primaries are much better than any black era set.
  3. Well, at least you admitted that's an unpopular opinion. Baseball needs to mandate that stirrups, 5" cut, be worn at all times. Hopefully, that will be worked in the CBA and things will start evolving from there.Hey, look at that! Phantom and I agree on something!Surprisingly, he is stuck in the 90's for basketball, instead of 70's for baseball, and I happen to find a lot of his basketball opinions very agreeable (except for the whole "unisex" stuff, and the shorts length).
  4. As throwbacks, no?Guess what you could try doing with a pullover - Put a logo in the middle of the jersey. Like this. So you basically want the TATC uniforms to come true?
  5. Phantom is that you? But seriously, the pirates and whitesox have a pullover as an alt, are you talking about as a primary?
  6. It's weird that Dale Murphy is playing the Braves in that picture too.
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