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Everything posted by MCM0313

  1. I have no issue with alt helmets or with players supporting their cause on their cleats, as long as both those things fall within certain clear guidelines. They need a policy that clearly specifies just where the line falls.
  2. Yikes, that’s a little much even for my liking.
  3. The socks in general need to be more standardized across a team. It’s not just the Browns. Some players’ socks don’t even match those of their teammates.
  4. 1. What do “Hollywood stars” have to do with Glendale, Arizona? Is it because the Cowboys wear stars on their helmets? 2. It’s weird to see a uniform set so young already on the rag. They grow up so fast.
  5. Jon Bois did a documentary on Nobis? I mainly know him as the creator of the enigmatic Clarence BEEFTANK.
  6. Weird. Against the closest current look in the league to their throwback, color-wise. Unless the Jets also go throwback that day, in which case it’s the closest throwback to the Eagles’ throwback. But let’s be honest - the Jets will almost certainly go white-black-black.
  7. It would look fine if they still wore the striped socks from when this set was new.
  8. Yeah, the white helmet just looks weird to me. The uniforms themselves are good enough, but that set as a whole…meh. The orange helmet works much better for them.
  9. I think the commenter meant colors beyond just white and black. I believe black compression leggings are a thing already. Also, I agree now with @BBTV - bring back Merton!
  10. What does Merton Hanks (whom I recognized pretty quickly due to the giraffe-like length of his neck) have to do with socks?
  11. Kelly and black is Jets’ territory. Eagles should return black to its former status as a trim-only color if they refresh their look…which I doubt they’ll do anytime soon.
  12. This would be a great look with yellow socks. They would make total sense with the pant stripes too.
  13. They need to adopt a couple things from the throwbacks they’ll be wearing this year. Keep the current logo. Make silver the secondary color again. Keep the number font, or don’t. Bring back Kelly green, or don’t. Wear striped socks again, because they’ve shown they can’t be trusted with solid-color. Delete white pants - silver and (whichever shade of) green are only pant colors allowed. Boom, two eras merged and basic aesthetic improvements applied.
  14. Unfortunately, it seems to have really become a fad over the last few years. I hope it goes away, because it’s hideous.
  15. Yeah. You’re right. It looks like something that VT would toss out without applying the decal because the factory painted it brown instead of maroon. I hadn’t noticed that before you said it.
  16. Ooh, Auburn. Awesome color scheme.
  17. Bears, Yankees, Braves, Tigers, off the top of my head. And I’m somebody who isn’t typically keen on navy blue.
  18. I’ve loved those uniforms since the ‘90s. Those plus the awesome Power Cat logo. Then last year their basketball team did those sweet double-purple throwback alts. Kansas State has some fantastic branding much of the time.
  19. If their first game turns out to be their last, they can get a little extra cash selling the jersey online. I don’t mind this, although as someone mentioned above, I do wish the patches were smaller.
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