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Carolingian Steamroller

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Everything posted by Carolingian Steamroller

  1. Do the shorts have a spike on the sides coming down from the waistband?
  2. Tell that to whoever decided to introduce half a dozen throwback uniforms in a single offseason.
  3. Hard to tell the whole story about the issues between Memphis and Nashville without bringing that up. There's a lot more to the Oilers saga and when it comes to football its hardly the main event, but can't leave it out.
  4. I don't want to get overly political but if anyone is interested and wants to look into this outside of this board, there is a racial element to this: Nashville is 53% white, Memphis is 61% black.
  5. It was an arrangement that seemed to make nobody happy. Here's an article from the Memphis perspective. https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/sports/columnists/geoff-calkins/2017/08/29/twenty-years-ago-memphis-told-nfl-and-oilers-now-titans-stick/610647001/ I also have family in Memphis (transplants) and I've been there several times, I can understand the hard feelings.
  6. That's something to keep in mind was the Cleveland fought really hard to keep the Browns in Cleveland. I remember a big push in the press trying to keep the Browns. The Oilers sort of left with a whimper. They'd been at or near the bottom in home attendance the three seasons prior to the move. Then there was the weird limbo where they were based and practiced in Nashville but played the games in Memphis, which despite being in the same state are two very different towns.
  7. I think this is a good general breakdown. To put a finer point on it, we have multiple teams right now that use throwbacks from the 1930's that no person alive has memory of. The Patriots use a red jersey, white helmet throwback with a logo that hasn't been the primary look for 30 years. To get back to my 1994 analogy, part of the throwback gimmick has always been seeing uniforms from well before your time. At least five teams that year had uniforms that were at least 50 years old. I don't think the Seahawks are concerned about fans not connecting the throwbacks with the brand. It's part of the deal when you put out a throwback.
  8. It's not the NBA... IT'S 1994 BABY!!
  9. I could maybe see the front striping disappear but the sleeve cap has turned out very well.
  10. Would also add that this has aged far better than I ever expected:
  11. Something always felt off to me about the Disney-era Angels pinstripes. Maybe the weight on the pins looked a little thicker or the spacing was closer. I've looked up some game worn jerseys and they don't use zig-zag pins and they don't seem super close together but something always felt funky to me.
  12. Fun fact: The Seahawks are the only NFL team that has never worn white at home.
  13. 1. This is actually a positive for me though not necessarily the contrast itself as the method in which it was done. The Seahawks did something rather remarkable and replicated the old rounded should yoke that you would see on old durene or wool jerseys. But they filled in the sleeve portion not the shoulder section creating a sleeve seem that had a rounded cutout. It was simultaneously retro and modern. 2. It was definitely a little small and something better could have gone there but it doesn't drag down the set for me because so hard to notice. 3. When they used the navy pants in 2009, something felt off to me. I think it was that the stripe pattern had to change for the first time which threw it off. (Not showing the lime green tops because I don't think that's a fair representation). My only real complaint is that because the Seahawks wore solid white on the road (which works thematically) we rarely go the chance to see the slate blue dazzle fabric in the sunlight (Seattle being Seattle and all) and by God did those things glisten when they got their chance.
  14. Just want to add for the record that I've loved EVERY Seahawks uniform since I was a little kid. My dad even poked fun at me for wanted a Seahawks helmet when I was little despite being in a rabidly pro-Bears household (it was the Ditka era so fairly typical). I've long felt that this was a criminally under appreciated idea even though I couldn't tell you whether I thought it was an improvement over the royal and silver. My main complaint being they didn't utilize this look nearly often enough They've had a great logo since word go and deploying that in a wrap around design that uses the whole geometry of the helmet made it an instant classic. They've looked good in every era and for wildly different reasons. Good for them.
  15. Maybe they look like the Lions from a distance but then so do the Cowboys. This is why we have home and away jerseys to provide the contrast. Just looking at old pictures, there was a big difference in the tones of blue (Honolulu is always lighter) and the Seahawks silver was much more of a stainless steel than the silver bullet Lions.
  16. I am once again asking for the Red Tails.
  17. The only that's changed is they've opted to wear white socks with the away jersey. Once a year they wear all blue but that's been the case for the past six season.
  18. A. It's just beats, not hip hop. B. You do know that the music is dubbed over in post-production? This stuff is shot in slow motion so to get the footage for a two minute video they players only have to move around a few seconds. Then the production team cuts the clips together and adds whatever music they want. A team can hire John Williams if they want.
  19. Seeing the AOL login design and feeling instant nostalgia for Instant Messenger makes me feel old, then warm and fuzzy, then sad that I'm such an old, easy mark for that.
  20. To clarify, there is a diversity of opinions present. Not every feels that a given throwbacks is blatantly more appealing and while the "They should wear these full time" may seem like a solid group, some people feel differently depending on which team we are discussing. It's just the board format can make it seem like its a wall of comments, especially when not everyone is tracking all the different handles.
  21. Needs to be pointed out that the Browns were unique in deploying 3D Block that shaded down and to the left, compared to the 49ers, Eagles, and Ravens who are shaded down and to the right and the Falcons who are shaded straight right.
  22. Red helmet, navy jersey, red pants, navy sock. Do it.
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