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Posts posted by wildwing64

  1. 31 minutes ago, BeerGuyJordan said:

    Foley: I want it to be the Black Knights. Because Army!


    London Knights: We may or may not take issue with a pro team named the Knights, but if you ask us nicely -


    Foley: What's that? We can't be just the Knights? Oh well! I guess we'll have to name ourselves the Golden Knights instead!


    London Knights: Wait, we haven't even -



    • Like 13
  2. There's no way the NHL expands to 40 teams anytime soon. That would be a bad business decision, even by their standards.


    For starters, Atlanta's already been through two NHL teams and I doubt the league's in a hurry to return there. Puerto Rico and Mexico City are definitely not getting teams. Hamilton wants a team but they would be wedged in between the Leafs and Sabres and neither team will have that. Houston has an arena perfectly suitable for the NHL, but whether the market would support an NHL team is another matter, or whether the owner of the Houston Rockets is willing to share the building with a hockey team (he isn't, see the relocated Houston Aeros of the AHL, now known as the Iowa Wild).


    Oakland - and by extension, the entire San Francisco Bay Area - already has a team in the San Jose Sharks. They're more or less seen as a spiritual successor of the Seals. The Sharks have fans in San Jose, San Francisco, and in Oakland. Why put another team there when the Sharks have already got that entire market behind them? Yeah, the Los Angeles metropolitan area has two teams, but it's also the second most populous area in the United States. The San Francisco area as a whole has about the third of the population of LA. And even LA is about 6 million short of New York, which is why New York can support three teams. And while the New Jersey Devils aren't technically in New York, they're within the vicinity of NYC. Or rather, they're practically next door.


    The only cities on that list I could see getting teams are Seattle and Quebec. At the moment, if there is another team added to the league then only one of them is getting that expansion franchise.

    • Like 3
  3. So I've encountered a big problem with the ads on my Android phone. Posting this here today as this has happened to me one too many times.


    Every other time I'm on the boards, this popup appears claiming that I have "Four virus" on my "*insert phone model here*". Sometimes the phone model is accurately named as a Wileyfox Swift, other times it's a "Generic Android", and this time the name is instead a blank space. Notably, this popup only appears when I'm browsing this site, and in spite of what it's telling me I have never visited any "adult sites" on the phone.




    I installed adblock on the browser after the first time this happened, but that does nothing. I don't know if this is a virus so much as an intrusive popup that hijacks the browser, redirecting you to this page and pretty much locking up the browser and making it useless, even when you close the app and reopen it. For anyone else who has this problem, the only way to get rid of it is to clear your browser data and cache. You'll lose all of your browsing history which is inconvenient, but at least you'll be able to use it again. Also, FWIW I have never touched the "OK" on this popup as I have no idea what it actually does and have no intention of finding out.


    NSFW-ish clickbait ads on the bottom of every page are one thing, but browser jacking popups? I don't know what the deal is but something needs to be done about this.

  4. Don't know if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but regarding the Dallas Stars identity the only mark I've never really cared for is the Texas state outline. I love the current look, but the only logo in the package I really hate is the updated state outline. It's unbalanced and awkward to look at.




    Maybe placing the D-Star higher would improve the mark. As it is it's a very bottom-heavy design. My eyes are drawn to the D-Star, and being the central focal point it should be more towards the middle rather than the bottom. They could have left the D-Star out or just had a smaller star on its own like the original version.




    • Like 1
  5. I'm sure I had this one come up: "14 people who DIED after taking stupid selfies!"


    Yeah, because that makes for pleasant early morning reading.




    Also I noticed the mobile site sometimes highlights posts with a flag. I tapped one to see what it does, and almost accidentally reported a post. D'oh.

  6. After getting used to it, I'm really liking the update. The only thing bugging me at the moment is not being able to go into HTML mode with posts, but I can live.


    I really like the new quoting system, although a bit clunky at times it prevents the pages and pages of quote waterfalls from happening, and that's definitely a plus.

  7. 14 minutes ago, BringBackTheVet said:

    So so so glad to read this is the "lite" version. It's incredibly frustrating on iPhone.  Looking forward to when it's 100%. 

    Same here. At the moment everything is taking up way too much space on screen compared to before.

    I'm also not a fan of circular avatars, but if this is something that can't be changed then I'll live.


  8. I am sorry...but I don't know the difference between "user name" and "display name."

    The username is the original registered name of the account. The display name is what you've changed your username to since, assuming you've changed it at all.

    I might be wrong, but that's my guess.

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