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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. This has always bugged me. Why do the Knicks championship banners use different logos from the time period they won but the Rangers use the same logo for all the years?
  2. What's with the recent wave of terrible name changes? STOP THE PLAGUE!!!
  3. I think that game also had the Marlins play in Dolphin Stadium wearing their Miami Marlins uniforms.
  4. MLB 14 The Show Mets primary away jerseys still had the black shadow underneath the NEW YORK script even though they dropped black a few years back. Odd thing is it was only the script, not the numbers and NOB.
  5. He was with the Angels organization for a long time until 2005.
  6. Rumble Ponies. Did it occur to the team that the fanbase didn't want the name to be changed and were pretty vocal about it?
  7. NHL uniforms were so huge before the Reebok EDGE redesigns.
  8. Not sure if this was posted before. Dolphins-Eagles from 1996.
  9. Can we agree that of all the teams that added black, the Royals were the worst?
  10. Fine uniforms if the random DASH didn't exist.
  11. i would want them to go back to those colors with the present day logo.
  12. The Thrashers always had a cool name, logo and their original white jersey was their best.
  13. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Here's my reaction: 1. Maybe because I grew up with the current Brewers look so I prefer their current look as oppose to the BiG design although I'm not oppose to them bringing it back full-time. 2. No 3. It's ok, not the best. I feel as though they haven't had a really good set of uniforms since their first ones. 4. It's an eyesore. 5. You looking for a fight? 6. I dunno what that is. 7. Again, it's an eyesore.
  14. Nike destroyed these jerseys. I loved the Rams look in the early 2000's.
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