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Posts posted by kolob

  1. 22 hours ago, kimball said:

    Per Locker Vision ...


    (Just waiting for the rest of the schedule including the Lakers-Nuggets series.)


    Eastern Conference Finals

    G1 - MIA (Red) @ BOS (White)

    G2 - MIA (Red) @ BOS (White)
    G3 - BOS (Black) @ MIA (White)

    G4 - BOS (Green) @ MIA (White)





    Western Conference Finals








    Okay, the league only has the first four games of each series (weird), the Lakers and Nuggets definitely didn't get the memo from the Heat and Celtics.


    Eastern Conference Finals

    G1 - MIA (Red) @ BOS (White)

    G2 - MIA (Red) @ BOS (White)
    G3 - BOS (Black) @ MIA (White)

    G4 - BOS (Green) @ MIA (White)

    G5 - 




    Western Conference Finals

    G1 - LAL (Gold) @ DEN (Blue - Statement)

    G2 - LAL (Gold) @ DEN (Navy Blue)
    G3 - DEN (Blue - Statement) @ LAL (White)

    G4 - DEN (White - City) @ LAL (Gold)




  2. Per Locker Vision ...


    (Just waiting for the rest of the schedule including the Lakers-Nuggets series.)


    Eastern Conference Finals

    G1 - MIA (Red) @ BOS (White)

    G2 - MIA (Red) @ BOS (White)
    G3 - BOS (Black) @ MIA (White)

    G4 - BOS (Green) @ MIA (White)





    Western Conference Finals







  3. 9 minutes ago, PrimalCookie said:

    Reasons this shouldn’t and won’t happen:

    - A third team in Florida? Really?

    - SeaWorld is a genuinely awful location for a stadium

    - The state/county wouldn’t approve that much public money, nor should they

    - Other cities have much stronger cases for a team

    Reasons why this should happen:

    - I would like it to (although preferably without the public money, and more importantly a better name)


    This would only work if the Rays were the team that moved to Orlando.

  4. 1 hour ago, upperV03 said:

    I think it was a case of them starting with the Cavs font and making some small tweaks to the forms to at least attempt to differentiate them a bit. It’s not the Cavs font, but it’s certainly derived from it.


    No ... the numbers originate from the 2013 change, but when the current set was introduced in 2017 the numbers were un-italicized. They're similar in the sense they're sad attempts at modernization, but they're not similar in any regard past that.





  5. 4 hours ago, BBTV said:

    The Suns can't seem to get out of their own way with their uniforms.  The pre-Barkley set and Barkley set were fantastic.  But since then, it's been a complete disaster of gray, silly-trendy (but not trendy) fonts, quarter-steps towards the Barkley set but afraid to commit, and (already mentioned, but worth repeating) silly-ass fonts.


    While that supposed leak is barely a half-step towards the Barkley era, it would be acceptable and an upgrade if they didn't insist on going with the ugliest numbers that they can possibly find (making them straight instead of following the angle is also a choice.)


    I just don't get it.  Purple and orange is such a great pallete - but it's as if they go out of their way to use it as poorly as possible.


    rarely say "just go back to", as I think it's generally the worst approach to correcting, but this is a case where I'd absolutely recommend it, because they've proven that they can't be trusted with making original designs.  I understand there's silly restrictions against "going back", but even if they went with something that made them look like the Great Value Barkleys, that would probably be better than what they could do from scratch.


    Yeah, I am the same way. The '92-00 look still translate well into today's NBA. 



    Much more than even this ...



    • Like 6
  6. It'd be interesting to see what happens IF the A's deal in Vegas falls through. There's no return to Oakland. And, like posters mentioned above Nashville doesn't seem like a viable option, not just because of the Nashville Stars group, but realignment issues. So, it really limits locations in the West. Which leaves Portland and SLC. And, I won't lie, I hope it's SLC. I'm a Utahn. I've wanted the major leagues here. And, I love the A's. I'd be a fan on day one.


    Biases aside I also think SLC provides an easier move than to Portland, especially with being stadium ready even if they need to play in Smith's Ballpark for a couple years. It has the capacity and ability to add more if needed. Much better than in Summerlin.


    But, I wonder what that does for Vegas' future status for expansion. Does it sour the whole market? Nevada politicians? I feel like it could. So does MLB expand to Portland? It'll be interesting to see what happens. But, I just have this nagging feeling that the A's deal in Vegas is going to fall through. Especially when you consider Mark Davis' feelings on the A's ownership group. There's no love loss.

  7. 28 minutes ago, eRay said:

    As long as we're all sharing our Nuggets wishlists:

    I loved their statement uniform from a couple years ago, before it was changed to a Harlem Globe Trotters jersey.


    I'd simplify the color scheme a bit and remove the circular lettering setup then build a set around it.  Add some topographic lines into the navy part on the shorts if it feels boring, or make them more mountain-like. Done.


    I need to see these side by side ... I didn't even realize they changed them. Huh.




    And, yeah, the older versions are better. The red on the shorts is too gaudy and the red outline on the gold print is too much. 


    Dumb change.

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  8. 9 hours ago, MCM0313 said:

    There needs to be a limit on how many times a team can wear its alternate uniforms in the playoffs. Icon and Association are the “regular” ones, right? No more than once per series or three times overall, whichever is less, for each of the other two. I actually looked at the set matchups at the start of the first round, and over half the games (at least in games 1-4) were a team in white against a team in black. We need more color!


    I agree. City and Classic Editions shouldn't be used. Stick to the Association, Icon and Statement Editions. Road teams should never wear their Association jerseys on the road. If a team wears color at home ... color vs. color should be the rule. 

    • Like 7
  9. 3 hours ago, gosioux76 said:

    I don't consider the Heat at all in this discussion because of how, throughout their history, they've placed most of the emphasis on black. In fact, until now, I'd never even considered that they might share similar colors to the Rockets and Hawks.


    Well, and the Heat's red color is noticeably darker than the Hawks and Rockets' red.



    • Like 4
  10. 6 hours ago, the admiral said:

    As for Vancouver and the NBA, if I remember my NBA history, both Canadian teams struggled mightily out of the gate due to exchange rate, players being afraid to live in Canada, and general incompetence, but the Raptors were able to overcome it by effectively merging with the Maple Leafs: the Leafs got to get in on the new arena, the Raptors got to bundle their luxury boxes and season tickets in order to move them. I guess the Canucks couldn't offer that level of synergy to the Grizzlies. I also recall Stern saying that Vancouver was a mistake and he wished the league hadn't gone there in the first place. Did that happen?


    Well, the NBA didn't help with that incompetence either with the salary cap and draft pick stipulations. If those weren't there the Raptors would have had the #1 pick in '96 and the Grizz in '98.

  11. 14 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    There's a reason the Baltimore Orioles minor league team moved out of Baltimore when St. Louis moved in. It was because playing that close to a MLB team does not bring you more money, it's because people wanting MLB baseball over the minors will choose to spend most of their money at the big league park. Now it's possible that the A's try to help out there AAA club, but that usually means cutting into their own profits.  


    You're comparing situations that are nearly 70 years apart.  As pointed out by @LMU the shift in hockey as well as baseball and basketball is development first. That's why we're seeing AAA clubs like St. Paul, Sugar Land, Gwinnett, Tacoma and Vegas team up with parent clubs in baseball and Vegas, San Jose, Vancouver, Toronto, etc. in hockey.  Development is more important than profit.


    But, they also wouldn't be doing it if they weren't making a profit. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, MJWalker45 said:

    Would the Aviators really be able to stay though if a MLB team is in the same city? How many of those fans are ditching them for a better class of baseball? Money talks too, and they'll keep the ones that don't want to overpay for the A's, but I think a majority of the fans would switch to the shiny new thing. 


    You talk like it's an either/or on fandom between the A's and Aviators. They can coexist and I think promotes both clubs well, especially watching players go from the minors to majors.  But, there will always be a market for minor league baseball advertising dollars and companies that are priced out with the big leagues.

  13. 13 hours ago, who do you think said:

    Less than ideal? Sure. A Glendale/Sunrise situation? Not even close.


    I get that, but you're also comparing apples to oranges, it different when you're comparing 81 home games to 41.  Plus, I do get the point of St. Pete being on a peninsula that hinders attendance. 




    Based off location it seems easy solution would be a move to Tampa, but what REALLY kills the Rays more than anything is their horrible lease.



    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, VampyrRabbit said:

    Manfred said that expansion wasn't on the cards until the situations with Oakland and Tampa Bay were resolved. Now with the A's heading to Vegas, that's one part done.


    I haven't heard much out of the Rays outside of the failed TB-Montreal "solution" and sporadic talk about how horrible St. Petersburg is for a ballpark. Is there any talk of relocation outside of the Tampa Bay area?


    Montreal seems like a logical solution, but Nashville's bid seems strong.

  15. 2 hours ago, WestCoastBias said:


    And not only is Vegas getting the A's but everyone seems content with the Aviators remaining there as well.


    The area is home to only 2.5 million people, they have NHL, NFL, WNBA, and now MLB. In what world do they need a Triple-A team?? The Aviators play 20 minutes (11 miles) from the property the A's just purchased, I mean c'mon it's just unnecessary.


    Well, the Golden Knights and Silver Knights share the same market (about 11 miles apart as well). 


    Now with that said, with all of the major leagues now at least 30 teams each the emphasis of the minor leagues isn't necessarily on serving or testing new markets for expansion, it's mostly focused on development. That's why we have the St. Paul Saints, South Bay Lakers, Tacoma Rainiers, San Jose Barracudas, etc. the closer to the parent team the more focus on player development your minor leaguers can have with the parent team coaches, etc. 

  16. 17 hours ago, WBeltz said:

    Not in season tourney related, but Nike needs to bring back the Christmas uniforms. The more recent ones too that were the team color/cream, or the vintage style ones. 

    thats what I want.


    Same. I am not generally a "one off" jersey fan, but I was okay with SOME of the NBA Christmas jerseys because there was uniformity across the Christmas Day schedule. I'm mainly talking about these designs ...




    Not these ...


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