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Everything posted by kolob

  1. I don't necessarily hate the double number thing. I guess it's a fun quirk. I do like the name under the number though, that's fun and unique we really only see in basketball. Overall, much better thought out compared to their first CC.
  2. Yeah I'd rather have purple be the "tie-in" color.
  3. This was my first thought as well.
  4. Seriously. Makes me want to break out my Jams Pants.
  5. No, it's a logo used font. It's basically the same italicized font from the original logo.
  6. This is my attitude about Vegas as well. The only sport I do worry about succeeding there is baseball. But, it's probably more of an A's issue than baseball issue.
  7. I think the only reason the side striping is there is to carry over the angled striping from the 2016 jerseys narrative. Completely unnecessary.
  8. Gotta milk out all that free publicity for Qualtrics.
  9. Honestly, sounds horrible. And, kinda sounds like the Jazz's aborted NBA 75 remix jerseys. Thankfully they got another year out of the original sunset jerseys. I am not a fan of "mountain" and "note" mashups. NOTE: I actually do like the Mardi Gras colored State Logo.
  10. Personally, I think it should be Icon, Association and Statement during the playoffs with the City and Throwbacks off the table. However, the NBA Finals, and maybe the Conference Finals should be purely Icon and Association. I am all for color vs. color matchups though if they clash. And, this is a conversation for another time and thread, but I think the City jerseys should be purely for the NBA Cup Games. I could live with that, especially if the league is trying to differentiate the games.
  11. It seems like there's a grey version as well?
  12. I'd really love to see Qualtrics numbers on the vote, because I am pretty sure Mammoth, Yeti, Blizzard and Outlaws are legit top four options, but I feel like Utah Hockey Club and Venom were thrown on there because one is the temp name and the other because it's a Ryan Smith favorite. Heck, even KSL has basically reiterated that from this article.
  13. I don't question the rumor considering how many NBA teams have gone back or with inspired old looks (ie-Cavs, Jazz, Suns, Kings, Wizards, etc.). Plus, the Magic's current look lacks character, the original jerseys have plenty of that.
  14. My yearly obligatory "Bring Back the 80s/90s Draft Hats" post ...
  15. I think Venom is there because Ryan himself voted 20,000 times for it the past month.
  16. Agreed. I feel like since 1996 we've spun into this Jazz > Utah > Jazz > Utah cycle. The more I go over these changes the more I don't like it because I don't think Utah and Jazz can visually coexist. It kind of has to be one or the other. This is said without even addressing the issue of team colors. I love the Utah Jazz, but ownership should have jumped on the opportunity to change in 1979, 1984, 1996 or 2013. But, really, after 1996 it was too late.
  17. Nothing too exciting. There are color variations for black, purple and light blue background as well. https://www.nba.com/jazz/mountain-basketball/brand
  18. This has been the Jazz’s problem since 1996. We want to be Utah’s team, but the Jazz aren’t the Jazz without the note logo and classic colors (or close them).
  19. Additionally, the Clippers also changed jerseys mid-season (around Christmas) in 1982, going from the baby blue and orange to R,W, B.
  20. Same. Hopefully one that says Jazz. Though, I’m not entirely against a sunset version, maybe with Delicate Arch?
  21. Which in today’s NBA is an arbitrary rule not really enforced (ie-Jazz note logo, 76ers, etc.)
  22. Of course they f— up the reveal over the next two seasons. And, two statement jerseys next year? Odd.
  23. I agree. The white jersey has some problems with it that some small changes could tremendously fix. Either baby blue gradient or an outline would work as well like the original mountain jerseys. The Utah font needs to be purple IMO.
  24. Looks like baby blue, purple and black are the colors. Two similar purple mountain jerseys? And, nothing that says Jazz, just Utah. Not sure I like this rebrand either? But, hey, no new colors!
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