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Posts posted by sky1324

  1. 28 minutes ago, CDCLT said:

    The all-time record for teams wearing all-black, that is, black helmet, black jersey, black pants, and black socks, is 48-45-0, bolstered by Baltimore, mostly, as well as Pittsburgh winning all but one of their Color Rush games. There's been exactly 1 playoff game where a team wore all-black: Jacksonville vs. Buffalo on January 7th, 2018, where Jacksonville won wearing all black, 10-3. Including all-black minus the helmet yields worse results for the black-wearing team, though I haven't finished crunching the numbers on that.

    Update: the final count for teams wearing all-black, that is, a black jersey, black pants, and black socks, is 125-131-1.


    The first-ever all-black was New Orleans vs. Carolina on October 14th, 2001. New Orleans, wearing all-black, won 27-25. All-black has been worn in 7 playoff games, with an all-time record of 5-2 (both losses coming from Cincinnati, actually). The one tie was Philadelphia vs. Cincinnati, with the Bengals in all-black, on November 16th, 2008, with a final score of 13-13.


    The final record is really held up by the Saints, who started wearing all-black around the time they got really good. From October 29th 2017 to November 22nd 2018, they won 9 straight games in all-black. The Eagles are currently on a 7-game winning streak, stretching back to November 25th, 2018, when they beat the Giants.


    Out of a total of 257 all-black games, the Saints have worn it the most, at 78, followed by the Jaguars at 47, then the Bengals at 41. The team that gets all-black worn against them most often is the Panthers, who have faced all-black 17 times (helped by being in a division with the Saints and Falcons). The Falcons are next at 16, and then the Giants at 15.


    So, I can say, at least for now, that teams wearing all-black do not have that dog in 'em.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Cujo said:


    Need the all-time record for teams wearing black helmet/black jersey/black pants

    The all-time record for teams wearing all-black, that is, black helmet, black jersey, black pants, and black socks, is 48-45-0, bolstered by Baltimore, mostly, as well as Pittsburgh winning all but one of their Color Rush games. There's been exactly 1 playoff game where a team wore all-black: Jacksonville vs. Buffalo on January 7th, 2018, where Jacksonville won wearing all black, 10-3. Including all-black minus the helmet yields worse results for the black-wearing team, though I haven't finished crunching the numbers on that.

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  3. 2 hours ago, TBGKon said:

    So based on this statement about alternate uniforms, it makes me wonder if the Panthers really did designate the black jerseys the alternate to pair with a black helmet.

    Wasn't it reported that the league considers any "alternate jersey" game to be one where either the alt jersey or alt helmet is being used? So the stupid all-black Color Rush will eat into the three blue jersey games and not any of the normal black jersey games.

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  4. Great to see you back! I'm liking most of what I see for Brooklyn, just a couple things I would tweak. First is the red text on the navy alt - I like mixing things up but this is hard to read on a big screen, I can't imagine how tough it would be at a distance. Second, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually don't really like the use of cream here. For whatever reason it doesn't work for me here, which is strange, because I love using cream in sports. I love the striping pattern you're using as well as the emphasis on red. Nice work as always, can't wait to see your next work!

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  5. 2 minutes ago, MNtwins3 said:

    The Ravens have two purple jerseys

    The Cardinals have two black jerseys

    The Raiders have two white jerseys

    The Texans have two navy jerseys

    The Browns have two brown jerseys

    The Giants, Dolphins, and 49ers have home and road throwbacks


    Yeah and while those are all also unnecessary at least they have different designs/serve a different purpose - this set occupies the same design space as their normal road jersey.

    • Like 8
  6. 2 minutes ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:


    I'll go for two unpopular opinions.


    First, I like the Bears' orange alt helmet.  It goes very well with the orange jersey (which I also like).  I am surprised to read that most people on this site are calling that helmet horrendous and a new low.  What's horrendous are the alt helmets of the Jets and Eagles, which gratuitously introduce a non-team colour; by contrast, the Bears' alt helmet features a tasteful and satisfying swap of the team's existing colours.

    I'll agree with that the Jets and Eagles helmets suck but to call black a "non-team color", especially for the Eagles, is incorrect. I'd argue neither team needs or should have black but the Jets have worn a black alt since their redesign and the Eagles first wore black in 2003 and have been using the color since 1996. Like I said both teams arguably should not be wearing black but they are team colors.


    Also, the Bengals' 80s and 90s jerseys rule.

    • Like 5
  7. 5 hours ago, dont care said:

    this is the first time the winner has been DQ’ed in over 60 years. From the report it sounds like they did something to the body that couldn’t be seen until the wrap was taken off. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me unless it’s so minor the optical scanner couldn’t even catch it. I am expecting big penalties coming this week though if Brad Keselowski’s penalty from atlanta is any indication.

    It seems like it got through pre-race because they don't take off the wrap. Reports have it as material on the front facia and apparently it affected the aero of the 11 and 18. Because the penalty can be (and has been) appealed no more details have been released. I'd expect a more full explanation sometime this week after the appeal is heard and decided on.

  8. I was  wondering if teams would take advantage of the extra shell and swap decals on them as well. The Falcons came to mind as completing the gradient look by replacing the throwback decals with the modern ones.

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  9. 29 minutes ago, CaliforniaGlowin said:

    They've released nothing for this coming season, so don't be too sure of that.

    I believe a new purple Statement jersey was implied by Conrad so hopefully we get a pinstriped purple set finally. Nothing indicating the two primaries will be changed or even can be changed.

  10. Just now, NFLfan10 said:

    I'm curious what this means for New York's Color Rush white throwbacks. Will those only be worn once now? It's so unclear what therules are at this point. 


    And is that black Panthers look considered Color Rush, or has the assumption that alternate helmets can't be worn with standard jerseys been put to rest? The Saints seemingly couldn't pair the black helmet with the black jersey (Thank God) because they wanted to keep their white Color Rush, which has me thinking this is the case for Carolina.

    My understanding is that the league has four different designations for uniforms - White, Color, Alt, and Color Rush. My assumption is that any monochrome set can be designated as the "Color Rush" uniform, thus the Panthers designated their all-black uniform as such and can therefore wear the black helmet with it. Doesn't replace the blue as the alternate if I understand everything correctly. This is probably how the Bengals will wear their normal whites with the white helmet, by designating it as the Color Rush. As for the Giants, presumably they get to keep the Color Rush and designated the throwbacks as their Alternate.

    • Like 3
  11. 8 hours ago, Cujo said:


    Did the NBA eventually do this? Fxcking joke. At least Cleveland cared/needed a diaper change when their team left. Noboby in Charlotte protested or even batted an eye when the original Hornets moved -- or even when the Bobcats arrived

    Like hell they didn't. The team was moved because George Shinn was a sexual assaulter and the fans, wisely, didn't want to support him so they didn't go to games. The team demanded a new stadium built on the city's dime, so the plan for what is now Spectrum Center was drawn up and put to a referendum, which failed. It failed because shortly before Mayor Pat McCrory (yes, the bathroom bill guy) vetoed a living wage ordinance for city employees. Many ministers thought it was unfair for the city to not pay their employees while building a massive arena so they led a campaign to vote against the arena referendum. After that failed the city even drew up a plan to just build the damn thing anyway as long as Shinn was removed as owner. The NBA, being the cowards that they are, refused and thus the Hornets were moved. The loss of the original Hornets falls on exactly two people: George Shinn for being an awful person and Pat McCrory for vetoing that wage ordinance. Had he not the referendum most likely would've passed and the team would've stayed.


    And trust me. People in Charlotte cared. The Charlotte Hornets meant the world to the city and the loss of them was a tragedy. The Bobcats were even more of a tragedy. There's a reason people campaigned so hard to change the name - it had to be the Charlotte Hornets. Anything else was wrong.


    Do I necessarily agree with the NBA's decision to combine the Hornets/Bobcats/Hornets franchises? Not really, I think a Winnipeg-type deal would've been better where the Hornets got to celebrate the old franchise's history and players but not officially the same franchise (as long as NOLA didn't celebrate any of the OG Charlotte Hornets' history - they can have everything they did after stealing our team). Do I really care? No. We get to have our history and team back and New Orleans seems perfectly happy as the Pelicans.


    I've never understood the obsession with "franchise" histories anyway. All a franchise is is a license to operate a certain team within a league. That license may move but the fans don't move with it - why would fans in New Orleans care about what the team did in Charlotte? They didn't root for any of that. Why would fans in Oklahoma City care about what the Sonics did in Seattle? They didn't root for that. Setting all that aside, the Browns franchise didn't even move, the license to operate an NFL franchise stayed in Cleveland and a new one was granted to Art Modell and the Baltimore Ravens. They are not the same franchise, even if the players and personnel moved.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, fouhy12 said:

    Wait, I missed this. Carolina made the blue jerseys their primary ones last year? 

    No, they did not. This gets spread around every year. The black jerseys are still the primary jerseys.

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  13. 12 minutes ago, Brave-Bird 08 said:

    I wonder if this was why last year they designed the blue jerseys as home.

    They didn't do this. Black jerseys are still the primary color jersey. Blue is an alt.


    24 minutes ago, throwuascenario said:


    As long as they don't change the jerseys, they won't reach full on disaster mode. But this was about the worst thing they could do short of that. I knew the logo would disappear on the helmet, a blue helmet would've looked 1,000x better. This helmet would've looked much better paired with the blue jersey too. Although I disagree that they should switch to the blue jersey full-time. Blue helmet/black jersey/blue pants would be their ideal look to me.

    I would rather them keep the blue as an alt as well but I'd rather the black be kept to the alt if it means we only have to see the all-black three times a year instead of all the time. My ideal look is anything with a blue helmet and blue socks. Blue pants would be a bad idea imo.

  14. I hate the black helmet. I hate the stupid all-black Color Rush. All I can hope for is that this means the blue jersey is getting the primary designation this season. Black pants was the worst thing to happen to this team since Jimmy Clausen.

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  15. Glad to see you back! I'm liking what we have here for the most part. Here are my thoughts:


    ATL: Really good update here. The new peach color is great and I love the uniforms. The use of the honeycomb pattern is excellent.


    BAL: I was never sold on the old number font so this is an upgrade. The new shade of red is nice as well.


    CAR: I'm sure you expected this from me but use Charlotte instead of Carolina. Blue + a crown + a C? That's Charlotte. I think the logo is nice, the only thing I'm not sold on is the drop shadow on the crown. The other change I'd make is lightening up the blue, especially if it's supposed to be a Petty blue. The uniforms are great, I love the use of the wings in the striping. I think a white facemask may also be an upgrade.


    PIT: I love the keystones in the handle of the logo, nice touch. The thin outlines on the numbers don't seem to fit the rest of the brand, I'd either make them thicker or drop them. I think the helmet could use a little more white but I'm not sure how to add it. Everything else looks great.


    SEA: I like the switch to a diamond container and the logo remains great. Always loved the beveling on the numbers for them.


    Keep up the good work, you're almost to the finish line!

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