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Posts posted by Gothamite

  1. Yes, when MLB took over the die was cast.

    But the Expos had been on life support for five years at that point. MLB had to step in, because the Expos were the walking dead.

    Again, Montreal knew the score. Build a new stadium or lose the team to a city that will. Been that way for half a century. They couldn't get it done, so if we are to assign "fault" then the city fathers get far and away the lion's share.

  2. I'd love to see the Expos back (build Parc Labatt, move the Rays to Montreal and you don't even have to realign the divisions!), but I doubt it. Selig would be unwilling to admit that he made a mistake by placing a team in the Tampa Bay area and then murdering the burgeoning baseball fanbase in Montreal.

    Selig is no Bettman. He didn't kill off the Montreal fanbase, Montreal did. Bud would make the move you describe if it made any financial sense.

    Fund a stadium, and the Rays will start learning French. Until then, they'll remain the closest thing baseball has to the Coyotes.

  3. Last night when the Phoenix Coyotes hosted the Los Angeles Kings, the attendance was 7,128. That's probably been inflated by the league though. I thought the Coyotes said they had record number of ST holders this year?

    Last season, the Coyotes had a Thursday home game against the Kings in October and drew something like 6,400. Movin' on up!

    One of the biggest sport leagues in the world and one of it's teams is drawing less than 8,000.... Even some CJHL teams get more than 6,400.

    Ten years ago, we were watching to see when the Vermont Expos would draw more than the Montreal parent club.

    Now, I guess we'll wait to see if the Portland Pirates can outdraw the Coyotes on any given night.

  4. Toronto regularly sell out Air Canada Centre, another team in GTA/Southern Ontario could possibly give the fans another team to cheer for, instead of waiting for the most demanded tickets in the NHL. There is obviously market for another team in that region

    I don't think that follows at all.

    There is great demand for Maple Leafs tickets. That doesn't necessarily mean that any other team in the area would be able to capitalize on the unmet demand.

  5. Broadcast territory only matters when teams claim media markets outside their city but without teams of their own. Case in point the Orioles and Washington. Local clubs share without problem: Dodgers/Angels in LA, Cubs/White Sox in Chicago, Yankees/Mets/Rays in New York.

    Keep in mind, I wasn't seriously suggesting that the Rays could, should or will be moved to Brooklyn. I was responding to the notion that they could be moved to Connecticut.

    New Jersey would make more sense than Brooklyn if they are going to invade the Mets and Yankees territory.

    Jersey makes even less sense than Connecticut. :P

  6. Yeah, if MLB was going to plunk a team down in the middle of other teams' territory, it wouldn't be Connecticut. Not enough upside. It would have to be some place like... oh, I don't know...


    It's right there on the tip of my tongue...


    Some major sports-crazy metropolitan area. A place with its own civic identity and a booming population...


    A major media outlet that could easily absorb another team...


    I'll have to get back to you. :P

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