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Posts posted by heavybass

  1. 11 hours ago, SpidersReorg said:


    I thought the McNairs owned the Oilers after Bud Adams bought the Nashville Renegades and changed their name to the Tennessee Titans.

    Bob and his family sold the Oilers around 2000's to an ownership group and used the proceedings to take over the Bulls.... they were ousted from Houston after several scandals emerged.

  2. So those uniforms prior only lasted 2 years in rotation... which co-aligned with 2 very bad seasons of the team losing in terrifying blowouts leaving them at 2-30..... and with the owner of the team discovered to have origins of antisematic purposes, the other owners of the NFL immediately acted and seized the team back with said owner kicked out of the league and into prison.


    Hastily finding a temporary owner, they were able to convince one of the previous three owners to take charge again and so the team has a fresh and hopeful future.



  3. The locally specific orange is actually Honeybell Orange because they are a thing and the new owner of the Bulls is the owner of the largest citrus packing company in Northeast Florida so it's fitting that he would use his new purchase to shape his vision of the team.... he was able to get a helmet redesign largely thanks to the Nikeification going on with Seattle but there was a clause in said purchase...


    The team had to promote Orange... and boy did these promote Orange.



  4. I think it's time.... time to see what this continunity does to Jacksonville.


    AJFCJaXm2h4yftxESzZHIzq9A1xJ2erVguRZLqy4The Bulls are an interesting team because of not just the color scheme but of course the premise.... Jacksonville at the time was a hub of sorts between fans of the Bulldogs, the Gators and the Gamecocks... essentially you have three kinds of fans that the team tried to attract and whilst the football may not of been good, the idea of silver, maroon and burnt orange was meant to bring these together and support the team.

    Of course this look came back in 1987 with renewed vigor and support from the three owners.

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  5. Speaking of which it's time for a shake up actually.... now things went a bit different for this team for in the early 90's there was a concept that if utilised would of transformed the franchise forever in fact, they would of won a Super Bowl with that look but now in this continunity what if the owner didn't say "This kit is ugly, burn it in the fires of hell."

    The Ron Wolfs are real.




    For a change I wanted to see what would the Ron Wolf changes would look like in the Modern Packers kit and surprisingly looks decent as you can see.... in a merged league full of gold helmets, the Packers went with their early 90's change and actually kept them for 30+ years.

  6. Speaking of which and thanks for those that are patient with this series wrapping up... even if there are doubters and there are few, I still have teams to drop and this one pretty much has stayed consistant in this universe and in real life.




    The Chiefs have a universal look that is essentially a staple in the AFC West especially they take on the Broncos, the Chargers, the Raiders and the Jaguars.... they have 3 Super Bowls in real life so the struggles of Andy Reid eating good bbqs and certain bad NFL referees having vegas betting pools with Mahomes winning is still real just in the now.

  7. Next team up and I think these guys are special enough... especially since they have been around for at least 200 years.




    The self proclaimed Kings of New York enter Arena Football with a degree of regalness.... especially since their violet is literally one of the more unique IDs in college football but the Division 3 side pushes their weight against much better opponents and close rivals.

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