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Posts posted by heavybass

  1. LAST TEAM for the Apple Division and it's technically outside New York.


    New Yorkers consider Staten Island to be outside the city and literally the butthole of the island so with that... the Outer Division is complete and it's a spicy division.

    • Albany
    • Army
    • Binghampton
    • Buffalo
    • Canisuis
    • Colgate
    • Marist
    • Pace
    • RIT
    • Siena
    • St Bonaventure
    • Wagner


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  2. "pulls thread level"

    Alright I am holding this thread because nega nancies don't believe in safe options.... and creatively challenge my credentials.

    You don't do that so we are not progressing until the nancies get their creative porridges.


    Jerry Jones owns the Kansas City Chiefs... thus the NFC's flair for darker colours.


    Dallas Cowboys with lighter colours now that they are in the AFC... and with black lines.

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  3. Well you say that and here is what I had in mind when I envisioned a schism in the Dallas Texans...


    A Rivalry so bad that it forces every encounter to be played in Oklahoma for the next 20 years... a rivalry so bad that the NFL eventually merged with the other league it goes up against... throws the Chiefs into the NFC and the Cowboys into the AFC... a rivalry that is stepped in blood and guts.

    Still think it's the same now? I'll be surprised if people still think it's the SAME.

  4. Now comes what you are here for.... the drama, the intensity.... the Browns/Ravens situation.

    Oh I did mention that did I?

    Because the Dallas Texans decided to announce that there wasn't any reason to stay in Texas to play football and decided to uproot themselves and say :censored: it we're moving to...



    That's right. the Dallas situation was problematic for the NFL at the time because relocating for the sake of it was considered controversial, the Texans literally rioted and Dallas threatened to sue the :censored: out of the NFL unless they solved the problem directly.

    So instead of Kansas and Denver being the next relocation targets, Dallas got a commissionary expansion pick and Denver was still picked.

    This was how the Dallas Cowboys was born, not as America's team but as rejects from a greedy traitor that saw no money in Dallas.

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  5. To acknowledge the next two teams of this continunity, we have to go back to the source of the schism.... around 1962, the NFL expanded into Texas with Dallas and Houston...  one would become the Oilers and the other would become...



    The Dallas Texans would eventually stay where they are and branch themselves into becoming Texas's team thus never moving to Kansas to become the Chiefs... thus the Cowboys would never come into being.

    Yeah that would be how things would go but you know me, I like to deal without safety gloves and I feel that there isn't enough drama with the Texans to warrant an eventual rivalry.

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  6. Next up is a team that has been the same since the 1950's and with the Colts enshrined in Baltimore.... The Ravens don't exist here.


    Modern colours but with the 2003 look as I felt that this was a perfect look and hopefully others will feel the same.... without Modell moving the team to Baltimore, the Cleveland Browns would rack up 3 impressive Super Bowls with Bill Belichek and a young emerging Tom Brady before both were traded to the New England Patriots... and the small dynasty that they would make there.

    Rivals include the Steelers of course and their Lake Eerie rivals, the Buffalo Bills.

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  7. Alright I think it's time for one of my why is he doing these posts and I hate doing these regardless.... so let's begin with team #3.


    Time to pay attention, this is important.

    The Buffalo Bills of the AFL which exist today in the AFC East have been around since 1960 and was the 2nd team that used the name since the 1st team that used the name died.

    In 1968 there were part of an expansion that included the Minnesota Vikings and placed in proximity with the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers thus eliminating time constrants and keeping the Baltimore Colts to the Capitol division.... the closeness to Cleveland gives them a local rivalry and something fans would look forward for decades to come.... I would call these guys the 1st Buffalo Bills.

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  8. Normally I hate having to follow trends but considering the recent thread conclusion of @XrysD's USFL merger thread, I figured I try to do his what if the AFL didn't exist thread.... now I will tend to do things different, in my eyes the AFL team managed to find their way into the NFL but they went through the WFL to do so which makes things interesting per say and certain teams are going to exist in the place of the actual teams that did take place... for example there won't be any New York Stars but other teams do find a way.

    In establishing this version of a AFL-less NFL... certain teams and certain dynamics are iron-clad which means no Cowboys facing off against their enemies of the Eagles, Washington and the NY Giants, however did you know there was one team those three had a preference to play against because it fit into their schedules and travel costs were easy.

    And so to begin another dynamic topic, instead of taking a bold move, we begin with something safe.



    To describe the Colts as safe.... we have to address the elephant in the room, Jim Irsay never took the team out of Baltimore during that faithful night... the authorities got wind of what he was doing and prevented the moving trucks from leaving the training facilities thus the law that prevented teams from leaving the city would of included the Colts and without the Colts leaving Baltimore, the CFL never did expand there and never established the Stallions that would of gone on to become the Allouettes.

    With the Colts, the Eagles, Washington and the Giants established in their own grouping, the Cowboys never did force the Colts into the AFL.

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