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Posts posted by heavybass

  1. And the timeplan for this project is written... so this timeline for this NFL is going to be nuts.

    Phase 1: National Football League and Athletic Football League will merge into a 32 team league by around 80's or so... 30 teams initially join and then a 2 team expansion (Seattle and Tampa Bay) will join to round up a 8 division, 4 team league.

    Phase 2: The 90 expansion will then happen adding 4 teams creating a 36 team league with 6 division, 6 team league..... another project would then merge creating Phase 3:


    Phase 3: The adding of 4 teams to this NFL will return the league to 8 divisions but with 5 teams in each league.


    Phase 4: 8 expansion teams will be placed to create the 'modern' sports profession.... to go to 48.





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  2. In face per @GrayJ12 suggestion... I have done the minor change as he pointed out.


    If the logo isn't perfectly aligned then I do apologise. I had to download Inkscape for my laptop and work on that because of hospital tests and such so not used to a mouse at the minute.

    However I was a bit taken aback by how most reacted to the Virginia Sharks... I felt the shaulders were a bit too 90's and maybe influenced by the World Football League's design of uniform.... if anyone that isn't neo prankster doesn't like the uniform then it would of been lost to some people.


    Also totally jawsome, I had Street Sharks on the head when I did them.

    Normal business will slowly resume... the NFC San Diego Chargers thanks you for your support.

  3. 11 hours ago, GrayJ12 said:

    That lighting logo across the shoulders on the front is brilliant. The only minor gripe that I have is that the logo on the back above the NOB makes it feel clustered.

    I will go back in asap and make a small change that you notice and probably make it a collar logo.


    In fact there is a supplemental thread I want to do that expands on San Diego if people want.

  4. ....... Back to the AFC for a team that relocated from Florida because of a terrible tragedy involving the chairman's family and so Jacksonville was empty apart from the Bulls which outsold the Sharks at the time and the new chairman decided fresher waters was needed so he personally funded the acquisition of a site in Virginia Beach and moved the team there to become...






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  5. Soon as I started on this one, I couldn't really stop and this is probably one of my best pieces that I did.... so going back to various upon various past concepts of this previously located team gave me an idea with the new logo of said team... what if you use the PROPER baby blue and kept the current gold and create something unique that was ever made... and let's say you might like this one.

    Because :censored: Spanos we're going back to...!


    Behold! The San Diego Chargers as if they survived to their current build AND if they weren't relocated by a bumbling buffoon who's family holds concept for a once proud city.

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  6. I say we are about 25% into this thread and to celebrate this achievement... time to enjoy the dynasty that is from Florida.

    Yes I said Florida.

    Everyone: Miami Seahawks?

    Oh no.... when I think Seahawks, I think Seattle and nothing will change that.... so with that in mind.



    When you think of a successful dynasty in football, you think of the Miami Dolphins whom in the course of the late 80's - early 90's went on to win... 5 STRAIGHT SUPER BOWLS

    People underestimated this team during the actual period and considering the AFL Bills didn't exist here.... I used the powerhouses that were the Dolphins.


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  7. Next up we have the AFC South member known as the...



    The Falcons are cursed no matter what timeline they are in.... they still haven't recovered from 28-3.

    That being said, a reset had to happen here and I went with the finding of a chrome silver so white and silver are gone, relegated to the retro throwback as the Falcons set to get away from the mess that they caused when they lost on that faithful day.


    Here's the updated imgur for those that can't see the above pictures... seems most of you. https://imgur.com/a/Fh44HF5

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  8. Actually I was able to hunker down and get something done.... so I mentioned in the Blazers bit that Atlanta and New Orleans were expansion choices of the AFL rather than Kansas City and Denver and the idea did sound good in my head... what would an AFC Falcons and AFC Saints look like? Well considering the base project started life in New Orleans as the Jazzmen... ultimately New Orleans Jazzmen didn't get the attention and support from the fanbase... mostly because the owners spent their days partying than actually paying their players but eventually when the merger happened between the National and the Athletic.

    Someone had to buy the teams and of course they renamed them...



    Since the merger of the two leagues, the Saints alongside the Falcons have been playing in the AFC South alongside the Dallas Cowboys.... a triage of rivalries involving LSU, Texas AND Georgia beef? Why it does make it a good stew to simmer.

    Orleans honors their history as the Jazzmen with the inclusion of green and purple in the logo whilst not shown here... they have black and white pant alts with their color rush uses the green, gold and purple... also shown here is the team's good relationship with LSU as they imitate their infamous stripes.

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  9. 4 hours ago, JerseyJimmy said:


    genuine question, what is your problem? competitive eating in general is very silly, but it's not worth this kind of vitriol.

    If you must know and I suspect it’s a bait question… you win something for so long then said competition becomes boring and predictable 

  10. The American Football League doesn't exist... that's the first thing I wanted to get off my chest, instead the Athletic Football League existed where 6 teams formerly with the AFL that couldn't get a league going worked with new partners in the WFL to create a league specifically tailored to their needs.... this worked for a time but as it turned out, it was not easy.... they had plans to expand to Kansas City and Denver but their rivals the NFL beat them to the punch to say... so they expanded into Atlanta and New Orleans to take advantage of the Southern Block of the US that the Athletic Football League held over.

    When the leagues eventually merged the Athletic Football League became the Athletic Football Conference and most teams that founded the AFL originally were placed there... that's the history of this AFL.

    Anyway back to what I was saying... Florida was a haven for football teams in the AFL at the time and there were 3 teams that occupied that precious spot but Florida Heat became the biggest enemy of this group of teams and whilst 2 adapted to the heat, the last one was forced to relocate because of a death.

    The first of these two teams is of course....



    The Blazers and their blaze like appearance gave me some ideas actually..... adding an orange to the colour listing and then adopting the color scheme from NASA itself creates this bright vibrant scheme that is set off by their metallic helmet.... the Blazers and NASA's long friendship goes back to the disaster of the Challenger where the team offered half price tickets to the families of those affected and it evolved into offering half price tickets to NASA workers and their families.


    The team is space associated that's what I like to believe... it's not often you see a bright uniform this far south.

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