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    Lakers, Yankees. Yeah, I know.

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  1. Awww sweetheart, they tried. Next best thing? Just wear blue pants. There are even videos and quotes of Simmons and Wilson talking about it. They pushed for it. A ridiculous amount of you do not understand these things are fluid. There are people who make decisions, and this people are people. They change their minds. Russ got the next best thing and got blue pants rest of the season. You'll see. And do you really think I'd post an actual photo of Bengals black helmets and elf over my source? You got small PP vibes WSU.
  2. I meant you are going to see blue pants with orange jerseys later in the season. Not this weekend. This weekend is white over blue.
  3. Bruv, some of you really need lives. I'm not trying to hurt any of you or trick you, or whatever you think. All I'm doing is sharing info I thought you'd want.
  4. In what world is that "stripe" conducive with the actual design of the Bengals helmet?
  5. Sooooooo where is the picture of the helmet? I'm adamant about this for a reason, and it looks so so so good.
  6. Newsflash homie: black and white or white and black when it comes to a helmet wit tiger stripes are virtually interchangeable.
  7. Talk to me when they play the Saints.
  8. It is black with white stripes. I'll bet you a thousand dollars. EDIT Where's Canzman at?
  9. I'm right about the Broncos and Bengals. I got NOLA wrong only because my source saw two options and thought white would be the choice.
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