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Posts posted by ruttep

  1. 3 hours ago, ManillaToad said:

    The Titans should still be called the Tennessee Oilers btw


    They changed the name because the history and tradition behind it did not resonate with Tennessee residents at all.

    • Meh 1
  2. 8 hours ago, maz said:


    I can take or leave contrasting socks. Doesn't matter to me too much. Contrasting helmet is usually a no-go for me on a monochrome set. If the socks match, then that helps. Bengals all-black with the usual tiger stripe helmet didn't look too bad to me, but the Cards and Bills going out there with all red or blue and white helmets looked "off" to me.


    In general, when it comes to this, some colors don't work, and it depends in part on other uniform details. Steelers all-black color rush? Awesome. All-blue Broncos? Not bad. All-white Colts? Hell yeah. However, all-lime-green Seahawks, all-orange Dolphins, or all-yellow Rams? Trash 'em. It's a case-by-case thing. 


    It's a prevalent trend now, but trends often do die out. Like the bright colors and lots of monochrome sets baseball had in the 70's, I don't see a lot of teams experimenting with this forever.



    I really hate monchrome, but when it really goes overboard is with designs that have already been oversimplified. It's especially bad with stripeless pants.


    Monochrome is bad, but these are really bottom of the barrel:





    • Like 5
  3. 3 hours ago, spartacat_12 said:


    The city of Toronto seemed to accept that they were done after game 4. Obviously people won't be happy if they lose tomorrow, but the fact that they forced a game 7 might've been enough to convince the franchise that they don't need to make drastic changes.


    I think whether they makes many drastic changes will also depend a lot on which stars show up. Nylander had his big game last night, they'll need more from Marner and Matthews (if he plays). 

  4. 1 hour ago, Glover said:

    Best of luck to your Rangers. I have a feeling they will win this series in 6, but if there is a year for the Hurricanes to take that next big step and be a true title contender it is this year. 


    Isn't half your team gonna be free agents at the end of this season? Seems like this season  might be your one big shot. You've solved the scoring and goaltending, this is probably the strongest iteration of these Hurricanes yet. 


    It's gonna be a tough series.

  5. 1 hour ago, jamesizzo said:

    Thing is, the Houston Oilers became the Tennessee Titans, despite the move it's considered the same franchise (they wore AFL throwbacks in 2009). If the Titans shouldn't wear Oiler unis, then who should?


    No one. Leave it in the past. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Sport said:

    This social media strategy also feels outdated. It was funny and subversive in 2012 when the Kings were one of the first teams to use a punchy voice in their official team tweets, but now it's just tired and annoying. It feels as calculated and studied as anything. Eventually the Canes will lose a series, which is hopefully this next one, and they will have earned the ratio of people who tweet "Cry" at them. I hope the Rangers wipe the ice with them.


    I'm probably gonna repeat this about every Rangers series until the end of time:


    I expect this one to go 7. There are very few cases where the Rangers have been able to finish an opponent off early.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Old School Fool said:


    Here is the Utah Jazz wearing a New Orleans throwback against the New Orleans Pelicans.  As I have explained, this isn't a farfetched concept.



    Ok but did the Jazz leaving New Orleans involve nearly the amount of anger and bitterness that the Oilers leaving Houston did? That's another big part of it to me. Would you consider the Thunder wearing Sonics throwbacks against a future Seattle NBA team or the Nationals wearing Expos throwbacks against a Montreal MLB team to be a respectable tribute?

    • Like 6
  8. 48 minutes ago, Old School Fool said:


    I want to know how this is petty because the way I see it, they wore Oilers throwbacks against the Texans as a nod. The same reason the Braves wore Milwaukee jerseys in Milwaukee, the same reason why the Lakers wear Minneapolis throwbacks against the Timberwolves and so on and so on.

    Houston's sudden love for the Oilers is just stupid.  As far as I know the city didn't want the Oilers to stay, then they got the Texans and things were fine, I never heard a thing from anybody until the throwback was announced. I didn't even hear anything in 2009 when the Titans wore AFL Oilers throwbacks. It's all so sudden and just reeks of desperation.


    Guess what dude? You aren't the Oilers. You never were the Oilers and you're never going to be the Oilers. Please stop it.


    I am absolutely not from Houston and can't speak for anyone, but I find it extremely hard to believe that the Titans just wanted to do a tribute to the Oilers by choosing to wear the throwbacks against Houston. The closest comparison I have to this situation is the Carolina Hurricanes wearing Whalers throwbacks, which Connecticut residents are pretty much universally pissed about. It really does feel like a shallow cash grab that's disrespectful towards the previous city to me, and I know I'm not alone in that sentiment.

    • Applause 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, PurpleHayes said:

    University of Houston plans to buck NFL, use Columbia Blue

    From PFT


    The University of Houston has taken a page from the late Bud Adams’s playbook. Specifically, the school has given a double-barreled-middle-finger to the NFL and the Tennessee Titans.


    After abandoning an alternate Columbia Blue color scheme at the direction of the league last year, the University of Houston has reversed course.


    We’re doing it,” athletic director Chris Pezman told Joseph Duarte of the Houston Chronicle. “We’ve reviewed everything and come to the conclusion that we are going to proceed.”


    Houston has informed the league of its position. As of Tuesday, the NFL had not responded.


    “We’re giving them two or three weeks to respond,” Pezman said. “We’re waiting on a response to see if we get one.”


    Pezman explained the about-face on standing down.


    “We literally have a story we can show the city uses it,” Pezman said. “This isn’t a reach. This is a layup. We’ve got a very defensible position.”


    It’s hard to imagine anyone having intellectual property rights to a color. And it surely helps the University of Houston that the Texans recently introduced an alternate uniform that uses the color.


    Even if a plausible argument can be made, Big Shield will look like the big, bad wolf if it sues the University of Houston.


    (I'd tell the NFL to go ahead and sue, I'd love to see this wind up in court with Goofball Goodell trying to make a claim on the Titans' columbia blue...)


    This level of pettiness is absolutely warranted after the Titans rubbed the Oilers brand in Houston's face by wearing the throwbacks against the Texans

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  10. 1 hour ago, Glover said:

    The 'Bunch of Jerks' thing was fun because at least that was mocking a direct quote from a dinosaur and we were underdogs at the time. This 'Cry' stuff they are posting is so incredibly embarrassing. This team is 0-12 in conference finals games in the last 15 years. Maybe let's win ONE game in the conference finals before making crap like this. 


    Good luck to you guys in this slugfest of a matchup that should've been later than the second round. Should be a great series.

    • Love 1
  11. Rangers/Carolina in a 2022 rematch, but we have home ice this time.


    Fun fact, this is the first Carolina series where they don't have home ice advantage since the 2020 bubble first round vs Boston (first time with fans since the 2019 ECF)

  12. 1 hour ago, BrySmalls said:

    Caps outmatched by the Rags in all facets of the series. This is the third time Ovie has gone without a point in a series against NY. I am still happy Caps made it to the playoffs to subvert expectations. I anticipate there will be significant roster changes this off-season.


    If Rags continue to play at this level, then theyll be hard to beat in the Final. Even better if I jinxed them!


    Jinxes in sports usually happen when the jinxer doesn't mean to create a jinx. It's why it usually doesn't matter when the fans of the team getting shutout or no-hit keep repeating the words.


    At least that's from what I've observed.

  13. 35 minutes ago, TrueYankee26 said:

    Rangers first sweep of a playoff series since 2007, and they continue to haunt the Capitals

    Now we wait to see who we play in Round 2. I'm conflicted on how long CAR/NYI to go -- it would benefit the Rangers if the series winner is more banged up, but the whole rest vs rust argument comes into play. Don't want to get the doors blown off at the start of the series while re-adjusting to playoff hockey.

    • Like 1
  14. 6 minutes ago, NOLAPelicans23 said:

    It's even ok to go backward and admit, we had it and messed up a rebrand like we saw with the Bucs


    See, that's what a lot of people believe when it cones to the Rams. I agree that under the current template, there are some flaws, but for the most part, I agree with them.

  15. 6 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:



    The yellow and white stripe on them are pointless and nearly unnoticeable. Plain bone pants or even using a singular wide blue stripe would improve the look.



    When the Rams use the above combination, it reminds me of being a throwback like these-




    Ok, that makes more sense. I can see what you mean by the yellow and white stripe being pointless (white-on-bone especially so), but I would absolutely want that blue stripe on the bone pants. I just can't stand stripeless pants.

    • Like 6
  16. 28 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

    I’m actually okay with the use of bone pants, but only if they lose the stripes and only gets worn with the blue jersey (which won’t happen and we know it). 


    You like the bone pants, but you'd like to see them without stripes . . . ?


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