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Posts posted by TrueYankee26

  1. 15 minutes ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    According to the good 'ol GUD, this game took place during the 1966 season. (As to which game it is, well, it's either preseason Week 3 or reg. season Week 16)


    Looks weird when paired with the lighter unis. Would have looked more approrpiate if they wore them during the Junior Seau and LT era unis when they actually used navy blue heavily.

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  2. 9 hours ago, Cujo said:


    Cause the Packers are a really hard team to beat in 2022...

    Tell that to Dallas lol

    3 hours ago, DCarp1231 said:

    Could this be the year Washington looks like a team to beat in the playoffs?


    Just because a team beat a :censored: team doesnโ€™t mean theyโ€™ll be some powerhouse playoff team

    You never know though, we have seen crazy things happen in the NFL

    29 minutes ago, tBBP said:


    Not as long as Tood Downing is still calling the offense. Reference last year's #1 overall AFC seed Snatit's dismal offensive showing in their first--and last--playoff game versus Cincinnati...and how not a dang thang has changed in that man's offensive scheming.


    Yeah, they beat the Packers this time (and, it should be noted, their former OC-turned-GB HC)...never forget though, that this is the Snatit we're talking about here. There's a reason I've been calling them that the past three or four years...

    Yeah that was a stinker last year, hopefully for Titans sake it changes. Would love to see Jets-Titans AFC title game

    23 minutes ago, Sport said:


    They really deserve every bit of this. Last year for the playoff game a bunch of Raiders fans camped out by the portable toilets in the parking lot of Paul Brown Stadium and harassed any Bengals fan who dared use one during the pregame tailgate. I've never seen another fanbase do that. Not even Steelers fans who, as everyone knows, are the worst people alive.ย 

    Dang. I am sorry you went through that

  3. On 11/14/2022 at 3:32 PM, heavybass said:

    Finally to wrap up the Great Plains for now is a team that has THE most unique nickname in all of the NCAA... a team that is championship quality that pours out of each area however in this hyper offended world by those that by hyperally racist there would be those that would be offended... so Pittsburg State takes the safe and classy route.




    Trust me I would of been all kicks for Harambe tribute if the offended karens and stuarts of the world don't exist.... ((locked up would be better))

    Gives me a Chiefs vibe

  4. 20 hours ago, MJWalker45 said:

    He's going out like aย :censored:ย because he's not the first option anymore. I'll be happy to see the back of him. When your only argument seems to be, "Sir Alex knows these guys suck", . . . YEs! We all know the Glazers suck. But the new coach is going to run the team the way that works for him. Seeing how badly the team crashed with Ragnick I'm not surprised Ronaldo didn't rate him. He's probably the one that spent a lot o time undermining him as well. I want some tape of the first Portugal practice since they seem to be in opposite camps in regards to Ten Hag.ย 

    It's pretty funny when the one you don't know have their names spelled out already.ย 

    He better lead Portugal to a World Cup win otherwise he will get burned harder than a July in Qatar

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