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Posts posted by TrueYankee26

  1. 1 hour ago, Sport said:

    The Reds have already said they're not going to have a drastically different roster from the one that just lost 100 games. It's like they're trying to sell zero tickets. 

    Seeing the Reds, Athletics and Pirates struggle mightily is sad. Would love to see an era of baseball where all 3 can be World Series contenders

  2. 37 minutes ago, Seadragon76 said:

    You forgot Kansas City (The Roos) getting stunned by D2 school Lincoln (Missouri).

    And Northern Illinois lost to Illinois-Springfield that made 3 D2 teams defeating D1


    And Queens (NC) in their first game as a D1 member beat Marshall

  3. 2 hours ago, Red Comet said:


    Battlehawks. Even if their "battlecry" reminds me of a Family Guy scene.



    And, you know? It's just the damndest thing. I've noticed that these all of these alternative leagues (with the exception of the AAF) seem to pop up right around the time of major economic issues since at least the WFL. 


    WFL 1974: Inflation is skyrocketing after the Arab oil embargo to the point that President Ford tried to rebrand austerity into something like WW2 propaganda to predictable results. 


    USFL 1983: The United States is only now starting its recovery from the Oil Shock after Volcker's Shock Therapy finally felled inflation but is now going through the beginnings of the savings and loan crisis. 


    Arena Football League 1987: The US is now feeling the fallout of the Savings and Loan crisis and Black Monday.


    WLAF 1991 (rebranded later as NFL Europe): The US is going through the early 90s recession. While it was brief, the fallout from this persisted with a jobless recovery that led to the election of a then obscure governor of Arkansas. 


    XFL 2001: The US is between the dot-com bust and 9/11. 


    UFL 2008: The Great Recession. 


    AAF/XFL 2019/2020: The AAF is the sort-of exception because 2019 was a pretty good year and the good times ended due to lockdowns rather than a loss of confidence in the economy, but I'm combining these because both leagues were announced at the same time. The XFL in particular stands out because it looked like it was going to be the first of these alternative leagues in a while to last more than one season and then COVID happened. 


    USFL 2022: The US is going through the worst inflation in 40 years. This is about all I can say right now about it.


    Therefore, I expect the bottom to fall out next year when the XFL starts up again. I don't think it's a coincidence that these leagues are conceived in the throes of the "irrational exuberance" phase of the economic cycle. 

    St. Louis fans showed up big time for BattleHawks games, made for a fun atmosphere and it showed that the NFL should give them another chance if they think about expansion.


    And about the alternate leagues and recessions. That is a sobering read no joke. Inflation will be here to stay so I can also expect XFL III to be on the list.

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