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Posts posted by BBTV

  1. 3 hours ago, AgentColon2 said:

    I hate that this thread is HOT with nothing to show for it other than a Lions tease.


    Ironically, you made it HOTTER.  Thanks for the contribution.


    2 hours ago, jp1409 said:


    Rod Wood was pretty secretive 


    This is not a real person's name right?  This has to be a porn name.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, gosioux76 said:

    Some might say the fumble-prone Brownie is perfect symbol. Ernest Byner might take umbrage, though. 

    dammit I was just going to make an Ernest Byner joke. 

    • Like 1
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    • Hate 3
  3. 8 hours ago, Pa02 said:


    Y'all are never happy. 


    One minute y’all love the chargers uniforms then y’all want them to change it back to the navy blue from the 90s.


     next y’all complain about the 49ers not having the correct amount of stripes then y’all complain about it needed to go back the way it was.


    Then the Bucs stepped away from their time clock numbers, and y'all want them to go ugly 70s kitchen orange again.


    Just STOP!


    Not everything old is good. Some things don’t need to be brought back. The Jets finally went back to one of their best-looking sets and log, and here you all are on day one complaining.


    Stop saying y'all, because t'aint all.

    • Like 4
  4. 2 hours ago, kb105 said:

    Wordmark isn't a design choice, its just victim to different helmet models. The newer Schutt F7 has these ridges on the back bumper that make the wordmark decals be shrunk in comparison to other models.

    Here's a comparison:






    And here is Sauce Gardner's helmet from last year


    Compared to Breece Hall's Speedflex



    By not putting "it takes all of us" or "end racism", the Jets clearly support police brutality against minorities.  There's no other explaination.

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  5. Haha I haven't made it through the whole thing yet, but "Urrectum" as a replacemnt for "Uranus" made me laugh.


    I still feel my suggestion of a new day called DreDay didn't get the consideration it deserved.  Then there's this;

    Today we are all October.


    EDIT: I also distinctly remember Lamicus giving me warning points for using the phrase "eat a bag of d...", then using it in that thread like a week later.  I called him out on it and he was baslically like "eh, it is what it is."


    Not nearly as bad as BiB's targeting / over moderation and warning for things he said in the same thread you were warned in.

  6. 33 minutes ago, SFGiants58 said:

    There were once two threads.


    The nested quotes make so many goldmine threads near-impossible to read in phone. But that's to be expected when dealing with forum software.


    I'm 99% sure that there's a lost thread that predates that one, based on context clues in that one and from search results in the "grinds my gears" topic.


    There's not too many flame outs anymore, but godsdamned if it's not the best when you can drive someone to an internet-forum meltdown that results in either banishment or voluntary quitting.  There gets a point where you can start to smell the blood in the water, and then it's over.  Some may call it bullying, but it's always the result of someone taking a benign suggestion and going from 0-60 faster than one of Rashee Rice's rentals.



    it's also fun going back and seeing who's been banned, as there's so many I forgot.  There's others that I thought were banned, but must have voluntarily walked away.  

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, infrared41 said:

    Ugliest Bathroom" sub-section which was an ill-fated attempt to allow banned users access to that lone section of the boards.


    Ugliest Bathroom was literally my idea, based on CC's bathroom.  I still think it should exist.


    I don't recall the calendar realignment.  I doubt Max wants the CCSLC The Series anymore, but Peacock will put anything on there, or maybe CW or Tubi will start offering original programming.  

  8. 4 hours ago, The_Admiral said:

    For anyone else so inclined, remember that "Today, we are all Cardinals" was never said by the person accused of saying it, just like how Edward G. Robinson never really says "who's your Moses now, n'yah, n'yah" in The Ten Commandments


    oh I'm 99.9% sure the guy "BigMac12" never said that himself, but it was a reference to all the jesus stuff he brought into the thread.  In fact, you may have been the inventor.  Surprised I couldn't find it.  

    • Like 1

    1 hour ago, DCarp1231 said:

    Ah yes, helmet inconsistencies


    Green helmet has number and small wordmark



    Black helmet has large wordmark and no number



    What a dumb choice for the NOB font.  It clashes with every single other thing on the uniform.  Simple block would have been fine.

    • Like 3
  10. 1 hour ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

    My only issue on gambling ads is how it's changed the way people talk about sports. I hear a lot more about odds and covering in casual conversation and less about the outcome of the game or the individual performances in themselves.

    For the record, I feel the same way about fantasy spots. 


    Oh I HATE HATE HATE that I start reading an article on a blog, expecting it to be something insightful about the team, then I realize the beginning of the article is just setting up for the rest, which is all about gambling.  I don't care that people do it, but the way it's infiltrated nearly every medium is nauseating.  And there's nothing in the world that interests me less than hearing about someone's fantasy football team.  Two guys in the same league want to talk about it to each other?  Fine.  But jesus, I don't care.  And I hate being at a game and overhearing people talk about gambling and fantasy sports.  I was just at the Sixers game on Friday and the guy behind me - in a Sixers jersey, mind you - was yelling and screaming for some Magic player, because of something around his bet.  "Come on, I need xx points from you to hit!!!" (or something like that.)  If I could, I would throw his phone - with his severed hand still gripping it - onto the court and let some player smash it.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, M59 said:

    IDK why people can't confine themselves to edibles in public


    Longer time to hit you?  Actual weed is cheaper if you get it from "your guy" rather than a dispensary (I assume... don't know, as I only dabble in the edibles and mostly just to help with sleep.)

  12. I'm late for work because I've been going through threads in the Goldmine looking for the original "frozen blood of non-believers" reference, which I thought was in this thread after dude went off about how he's a christian and christians wouldn't treat each other like we were allegedly ganging up on him.  It's a good thread, even features CC97 demolishing the guy.


    Also came across the old "poo" thread, which I re-read and still cracks me up.  The Hemingway-titles-as-poo-references is gold.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, SFGiants58 said:

    Doc Rivers might be the worst good coach or the best awful coach in NBA history. He has done so little with so much talent.

    Glenn Rivers is not a dr. And Glenn Rivers is a complete jagoff. 

    • Like 2
  14. 21 minutes ago, udubfan19 said:

    what silver helmets?



    the ones in my wettest of wet dreams. I meant that the helmets were different enough from the jets to avoid confusion. 

    id love them to have silver helmets. 

    • Like 1
  15. 9 hours ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Understood - just going with opinions here. In my opinion, it was unnecessary because there's already good contrast between green and white without adding black. Agreed that they didn't go overboard, but disagree on whether or not it was BFBS.


    To me, the Jets should always have been just a green and white team.  I remember them adding the black, and it somehow looked... I don't know the right word for it, but "softer".  And at the same time, the Eagles were already kelly-ish and black, and I felt like the two teams should look a little more different (not that anyone was confusing the two, given the Eagles silver pants and helmet wings.)


    I don't know if it was BFBS considering the state of merchandising at the time - they may have simply thought it looked better or was a way to freshen up the look without any significant changes.  But either way, it didn't work.  The only good thing that came out of it (and this is debatable) was the green pants.  I think they're unnecessary, but it's nice for them to be an option so long as they don't go full green.  

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, The_Admiral said:


    This is the same bare utilitarianism behind marijuana legalization and I would argue that both have made life a little more sad, crass, and gross. Picture a subway tunnel plastered in DraftKings billboards reeking of stale pot smoke. Is this progress?


    I don't disagree at all, but to my point, the latter was happening regardless.  I don't get needing a joint when I'm going to work on the subway at 7:00 AM (it's actually worse on the trollies for some reasons that I can only speculate about) but people gonna do what people gonna do no matter what.  I'd rather invest the resources in fighting crimes that have a higher impact than on controlling the uncontrollable.


    But you're right, and it sucks.



  17. 6 hours ago, adsarebad said:

    I will never understand why betting on sports was made legal in the US.


    It can and will, only hurt regular people.


    This is a very naive take, as it assumes that if it's not legal, people aren't walking down the street to the local bookie to place bets if they want to.  I can tell you from first hand experience (not placing the bet, but knowing the daughter of a bookie who may or may not have been mob connected) that it was huge business, and somehow, they still get action.


    People who want to are just going to do it illegally (and get their legs broken when they can't pay their losses), so might as well legalize it, regulate it, and tax it.  It's not for me, but someone with a problem is either going to lose their house legally, or lose it illegally, which leads to even worse things.


    No need to waste limited resources stopping things that can't be stopped, so just make it as "safe" as possible, and instead of spending money policing it, make money by taxing it.  

    • Like 4
  18. I'm probably overthinking it and trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist, but is there any benefit to the league buying and dissolving the Coyotes and then "expanding" to Utah?  You'd lose the ability to trace the team's lineage to the old Jets, but at this point, is there any value in maintaining that?


    If the new team doesn't start its life out under the Coyotes nickname, then maybe making cutting all ties to the Coyotes franchise and simply pretending they didn't exist, would be nice.


    And even though it's all made-up BS, if AZ ever got another team, they could "Cleveland" it and resume the lineage, even though everyone knows how the logistics really worked.



  19. Don't want to see a guy get hurt like this, but knowing the Braves, they'll call some guy up that'll actually end up being as good or better.  Normally I'd think this helps the other teams in the NL East, but I think the Braves are pretty much bulletproof (until October.)

    • Like 1
  20. 1 minute ago, CaliforniaGlowin said:

    Is there enough time to get a new branding and uniforms by October?


    Likely no.  They'd have to work out a whole permanent identity, including logos, uniforms, and a full brand strategy, and given that Fanatics can't even get MLB uniforms to the teams in time (and those are pre-existing designs), there's zero chance they'd be able to get stuff to NHL teams (or get merch in stores - I forget if they actually make the NHL uniforms).  MLB is top of their food chain.  NHL... probably close to the bottom.

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